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Pharmaceutical Testing: The Dilemma Workforce

When I started my working career, drug testing was not even a combination of words. I have never been exposed to drugs beyond the point of alcoholic beverages. Contemplating the daily use of some foreign bodies was beyond the realm of my potential. I was not alone. That was a lot of drug problems twenty-five years ago.

Today, if you apply for a job, you will receive a drug test of any kind. why? Because many were changed to twenty-five. ..

It's tough. :

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When I started my working career, drug testing was not even a combination of words. I have never been exposed to drugs beyond the point of alcoholic beverages. Contemplating the daily use of some foreign bodies was beyond the realm of my potential. I was not alone. That was a lot of drug problems twenty-five years ago.

Today, if you apply for a job, you will receive a drug test of any kind. why? Because many have been changed to twenty-five years. Today, the prevalence of substance abuse at all levels of our society is growing beyond anyone's beliefs. The medicine is infected with our teens, our adults, rich and poor; even the sanctuaries of our church are no longer exempt. The exception is if you can manage to reach thirteen, without exposure to marijuana, hallucinogens, or alcoholic beverages in common places. With so many opportunities for experimentation, it is no wonder that we have problems with drug addiction in our workplace. When young people become drug addicts, the possibility of abstinence is low until it affects their ability to generate income or begins to interact in a relationship.

The point of intervention for most employers is to simply ban the employment of individuals testing positive for drug use. The cost to employers for employees with drug or substance abuse problems is staggering. Employees need as much as twice as much of their medical expenses and workers' compensation requirements. Drug-related crimes are the second largest cost for employers. Lost productivity for victims and lost employees due to imprisonment for drug crimes account for the majority of drug-related expenses.

Drug use rates have been declining since 1992, thanks to the emergence of drug testing at work, and remain stable at around 7% today. Running a drug testing program in your sales office has never been easier and the cost is minimal. The business has access to a company that is the test administrator of many hundreds of drugs. The business itself to offer to these companies is not a problem, but it is all employees who test tobacco drugs, or a random test, a few employees. You simply notify the management company when you are ready to test and they will handle the rest. The administrator goes on to do on-site interviews and tests, process the tests and provide the results.

Pharmaceutical testing for common illegal drugs is readily available, and some of the more difficult testing options can be incorporated at the customer's request. Drug testing kits for common testing require an individual to be tested to supply a certain amount of urine, in tubes, vials, or small cups. The introduction of a fairly new test strip further ensures the laboratory that urine can be "borrowed" and not brought to the test facility. Other common forms of test methods are saliva, hair and blood. But in general, urine provides the most reliable results at the most economical cost.

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