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Planet, moon, mercury

Most of us think that when we think of astrology, we are not our birth symbol and many others. But the main influence is defining what the zodiac signs are allowed.
First of all it is the sun. It is at the center of all life and represents the person's personality and spirit. It is the ruler of the planet of Sign Leo.

On the other hand, the moon gives us a soul. The moon is the dominant planet of the zodiac sign gun. It is very related to mothers and mothers instincts. In Chinese astrology, the moon is yin and the sun is yang.

Mercury controls Gemini and Virgo. It is a planet of mind and communication. In other words, it is a planet of ideas and a means of conveying ideas. The planet Venus dominates Taurus and Libra. Venus is related to the characteristics and principles of harmony and beauty. That, of course, is related to love. It is also concerned with the pleasure we get from personal possessions.

Modern astrologers currently judge that Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio, but Mars is the dominant planet of dynamic Aries, and some astrologers Mars are what you want , And the planets involved in the way you try to get those things. Jupiter is associated with pleasure and enjoyment. It is the ruler of Sagittarius and is also related to the principles of growth, religion and higher education.

Saturn is the dominant planet of Capricorn, and relates to principles such as reality, limits, boundaries, and rules. Saturn has traditionally been the ruler of Aquarius until the discovery of the planet Uranus. Neptune is the dominant planet of Pisces and is associated with deception, fantasy, spirituality, and mental phenomena. The planet Pluto is a Scorpio ruled planet and is associated with the concept of transformation.

If you're Pisces, you probably have many friends, as you have an acceptable and malleable nature, it's easy for others to have Pisces change people and the environment Instead of swimming upstream to increase the possibility of getting on the flow.

They can be rational, not analytical, but more emotional. They do not thrive in a highly trained environment. Nine to five jobs are awful to the nature of Pisces. They are depicted in situations where they can use their artistic gifts and the appreciation of art and nature. They love luxury and joy. They can think on their own feet, enjoy new situations and change. They are the happiest in the fields of music, literature and art.

Who is the ideal partner for Pisces. Certainly not a sturdy, caveman type. The relationship with Pisces will satisfy the mind and spirit more than the body. Pisces is the brain, not violently sexual. The need to be gently invited. They are passionately loving and faithful, and have a monogamous nature. Abuse is this rare creature.

If you are a Pisces, you may occasionally walk or use it for your humoral character. You may need to find a way to claim yourself in harmony with your spirit. Because you tend to go to the flow and live in the moment, you can sometimes keep your money short and have a money management style or be more strict with yourself to ensure that it does not happen You may need to The next time it's floating around the department store, just do all the quick counts before getting to the cashier. Please return at least half, if not more. It's a chance and it's a pocket with the original postcard!

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