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Pleasure of fame and good fortune

If I should imitate myself after the famous character of the book I will choose a luxurious, splendidly surprisingly successful heroine.

I will not choose Barbara Ehrenreich as she showed herself on bait and switch, futile pursuit of the American - Dream. "But that character seems to have chosen me. Ehrenreich colorful roll cake with its best selling books "as it becomes yourself.

The biggest difference is that I could not get it. .

Small tits. :

Article body:
If I should imitate myself after the famous character of the book I will choose a luxurious, splendidly surprisingly successful heroine.

I will not choose Barbara Ehrenreich as she showed herself on bait and switch, futile pursuit of the American - Dream. "But that character seems to have chosen me. Ehrenreich colorful roll cake with its best selling books "as it becomes yourself.

The biggest difference is that I wrote about my failure in the employment market and I did not get to make a bunch of money with book sales. I just endured my failure and got to know that my life was a statistic.

It is always fun.

I also read about myself on the New York Times page. (On this occasion I'm forgetting the skewers of crab meat, forgotten! I wrote a columnist like Paul - Krugman, "When my university degree is mostly the benefit of big income of tickets I am very honored "

Paul, I hate to criticize you I am glad that you know me, you are wrong. Due to this college graduation, her income was not 100% but a small 5% decrease.

However, the abstract of Krugman's book is completely accurate that other indigenous people are falling as indecent rich people are becoming more indecent rich. This economic imbalance law is happening for many of the reasons why white collar unemployment and under employment.

My point is that I am not alone in my predicament. Many people are like me. I saw them every time I traveled to any retail store, people who used to work in professional jobs to sell lumber, light fixtures or lettuce. They may not have a 21-year-old pep, older workers; they have something the workplace does not reward, wisdom and experience.

I do not pretend to understand the irony of it; I just know it to be true.

In order to avoid falling into the same trap as my former white-collar fellow, I do not care what menial, low wage work I can find

In some cases, I made that choice because I could not find a low, low-paying job. I interviewed It is a pumpkin that only every orange skirt that I did not want was attached.

Barbara Ehrenreich's job coach gave me that tip. I borrowed her because I could not afford my job coach.

Self-employed is dangerous, but that's the only way to escape the fact that people like you are wage slaves. Because the Internet is still open to a little guy, I am a little late, but I am merging with the information super highway.

We bring us to the problem of net neutrality. How long is the Internet open to a small man? If a big guy gets their way, it will be much longer.

You bastard

Were you happy that any options were opened? Handouts distributed for welfare? Big people hesitate to call me lazy and undeserving. "Find work, damn it," they will bark.

"I am trying," Everything I can cry out of my merry-go-round as a whirlwind after them is there and there are cones of their weenies and ice creams

Are doing

Pleasure of retirement

Just made a report, defended the phone, file the paper, and passed through 30 years pacifying your boss at the office. Retirement - characterized by what you wanted to declare the last part of your work, reaching that point, at the end of every day, you gradually become your energy

Retirement is when an individual feels like withdrawing from their profession to find some time for them and he or she acquired

Everyone needs time for sto. .

Small tits. :

Article body:
Just made a report, defended the phone, file the paper, and passed through 30 years pacifying your boss at the office. Retirement - characterized by what you wanted to declare the last part of your work, reaching that point, at the end of every day, you gradually become your energy

Retirement is when an individual feels like withdrawing from their profession to find some time for them and he or she acquired

Everyone needs time to stop working and reflects back to the past and provides what life will stay close to the back of the plan of individual retirement or pension

But retirement problems, using a typical pension system like social security, people need to rely on their own savings than the usual way of planning for retirement social security gradually it Because we are losing more assets than we need to earn sufficiently to supply the long-awaited funds of their members.

In fact, agencies insist that they are paying more than what they collect, and that they are estimated to reach retirement age by 2010, by the year they are estimated to be retirement age It is estimated that if all the assets are used at exceptional rates, only 72% of the expected retirement compensation of the members may be paid

Only this person is dependent on retirement from individual savings etc. This will bring a more balanced view of all aspects as far as retirement is concerned.

So what is the social security option? Here, now that you reached your retirement age, you start planning so that you do not depend solely on your social security retirement benefits

1. Tsutsu

We have reached after stabilizing the financial support to achieve revenue for the purpose of providing these highly adaptable insurance contracts.

2. Investment

Saving money is just the beginning. You have to choose the speculation that gives you greater money over time.

Please place some of your money in other parts of various stocks and bonds, maintain a solid balance between the two and try looking for "lifestyle investment trust".

Another good choice is the target retirement fund. The portfolio is conservative.

3. 401 (k)

Your employer's 401 (k) or 403 (b 0 can be a major source of retirement benefits, where the company deducts a portion of your income and invests the amount of the investment trust .

4. Emergency account

Try moving your money automatically every month from your checking account to your account with unexpected costs. Toward the total covering the value of the basic three months (mortgage, food, utilities, car payment, etc.)

Once you build this nest egg, you do not have to withdraw from long-term savings if the crisis hits.

There is no secret to build wealth after retirement. You live less than you make and only invest heavily in surplus. If you save money and automatically invest, your retirement will definitely worry you will enjoy the financial debt and relax your people

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