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Postcard potential extraction

Postcards are still part of our modern system of communicating. The fact can not be denied.

It's tough. :
Postcard, color postcard, postcard printing, postcard printing service

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Postcards are still part of our modern system of communicating. The fact can not be denied.

The old charisma of the postcard is preserved. It can still uplift and brighten everyone's day. Is the question about it right? The effect is a flagrant, a lot stick to post cards, although there are already a lot of communication channels that one can choose.

These two forms of Postcard Day – e-Postcards and Postcards for printing. The first one is the modern one of printed postcards. The former is quick and easy to handle. With just a few clicks of a mouse, and a beautiful e-postcard can already have the latter, it will take days or weeks depending on the print job. Nevertheless, this Thailand why is that so? -Nothing beats personally delivered postcards. A postcard that can be touched and held. If you save your computer just by saving it, it will be direct, so it will be very helpful because it is saved.

Asking Now-How Do You Get the Postcard Potential?

Well, there are many considerations. I will give you some of the important things. let's go.

1. Make a mailing list. Make sure you are interested in the postcards included in the list. They have your loved ones. Or if you are an entrepreneur, you must be interested in your offering if it is a product or service.

2. Create a postcard in a "friendly way". What does I mean by this? The message should be friendly so that the design does not sound "puff". You can try asking a third party to step on the recipient's shoes or to have an idea of ​​whether the tone is already friendly.

3. The use of direct sales pitch is a waste. Postcard services are not used primarily for direct sale, but are made indirectly here. Simple information such as phone numbers, addresses and the like are given to guide the recipient regarding their future inquiries.

4. Don't strike around the bushes. A little space was delicious and the room was clean. Needless to say. Your message Therefore, easy and easy to read.

A postcard must be written and it is a sense of fun. They don't bother anyone or make them angry.

He was inspired by the care of the mind, advice, or other shoulder and whistling words of tap tapping. Good luck to your postcard preferences!

Make the most of your brand

The brand goes beyond the company name and tagline. It is a complete personality or set of values, and sometimes even a storyline, with repetitive visual, auditory and behavioral elements. If you invest in creating a brand, follow these guidelines to make sure you get the value of your money:

1. It is unique. If you try to steal or break in on another company's identity, land your company on high legal hot water. Apart from legality, you tend to ge. ..

It's tough. :
Branding, business, marketing, sale, advertisement, naming, name, trademark, advertisement, logo

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The brand goes beyond the company name and tagline. It is a complete personality or set of values, and sometimes even a storyline, with repetitive visual, auditory and behavioral elements. If you invest in creating a brand, follow these guidelines to make sure you get the value of your money:

1. It is unique. If you try to steal or break in another company's identity, land your company on high legal hot water. Apart from legitimacy, it tends to get the most bang for your branding buck when generating powerful contrasts with competitor images. Do something different.

Smartfood popcorn shiny black bags still stand out in the store as few other food items. And what a macaroni-and-cheese maker annie, besides, in the packaging, the company's mascot, free "Be Green" about a real rabbit named Barney

2. Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat! The more effective your slogans, logos, stories, colors, themes, values ​​and other elements come before your intended publication, the greater the effect. Generally, if you broaden your brand awareness and have XXXXX dollars to spend this year than you spend it all in one blowout event

Think about the radio and TV ads that sing on your head while trying to focus on something else. Even if those conditions capture a person's heart, they do not do it once they have been heard only once. The same goes for the most creative bank logo in the world. When prospective customers also see that image of a magnet at their friend's house, at the heart care center of taxicabs thermoses, and a local softball league uniform tote

3. There is consistency. It works best to brand the same color, the same musical theme, the same company name and the same symbols in all company materials and environments. Stores should not be called newspaper ad t-shirts and "O'Reilley's" in "OReilleys".

IBM has been neglected in the voice clear things strong. In the early 1990s, IBM circulated hundreds of different logos and slogans. In mid-1994, it laid out a law that prohibits identity elements from being approved. As a result, in part, in 1995, IBM rose from the position number 282 years ago to the position of the world's third most valuable brand.

4. Make it permanent. Those in the company are tempted to change the image of the brand's fashion before the time it does so. The central element of any change or renewal is tired of saying that it is a brand. If it works, you can keep working for many years.

Since the 1880s, Ivory Soap has successfully called itself "pure 99 44/100%." ​​Marlboro has been associated with cowboys since the 1950s, and the brand value is about $ 13 billion. Betty Crocker changed her hairstyle, but she has been wearing red and white since her first appearance of groceries in 1921.

5. Do not water it. The brand launch must be open to the specific mind of what is expected to come together. When Packard, which was the top luxury brand car in the United States, was suddenly announced in the 1940s, "now everyone can afford Packard," the company had deep Tra Cadillac previously wanted Packard's fame Pick up the buyer.

6. Evolve as needed. A brand may need to be mutated when it is perceived that it has changed from a step in time or misdirected a company. A dramatic example is the update of Betty-Crocker, who over time lost her original gray spots in her hair and made it more informal to attired as the society changed

It is important to maintain brand-equity as bank mergers are now in vogue. Not only did one bank simply swallow another, the designer came up with an elegant new combination of old identity elements.

7. Protect it. Registering a trademark is sometimes legal exclusion on your brand identity, including color schemes, product look and feel and interior decorating schemes Even so, you search for offenders and a ceasefire-a letter to quit You need to police your brand element abuse by sending, please contact an intellectual property lawyer for more information.

Don't be careful that your branding doesn't degenerate into common language. "As aspirin, as an escalator, was always a brand name." You might be praised for people using your product, service, or company name to represent the entire category May, but such use

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