It seems that every manufacturing company is now trying to adapt the lean philosophy that Toyota Corporation invents and learns. Lean production has also leaked to non-manufacturers. Unfortunately, many companies do not completely understand the true meaning of lean manufacturing. Lean Manufacturing, simply put, is the "waste of elimination of continuous improvement process". This sounds easy, but many businesses fail!
It's tough. :
Lean production
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It seems that every manufacturing company is now trying to adapt the lean philosophy that Toyota Corporation invents and learns. Lean production has also leaked to non-manufacturers. Unfortunately, many companies do not completely understand the true meaning of lean manufacturing. Lean Manufacturing, simply put, is the "waste of elimination of continuous improvement process". Although this is simple, Mr. Michi is inclined to the environment with elements that many companies can not fail.
Most people believe Lean is just a tool (One Piece Flow, JIT, Kan-Ban, 5S, Six Sigma, Kaizen Team, Push / Pull System, etc.). ) It can be used to cut waste. But Lean is not only a set of tools, it is a culture. If the company has severe problems with employee conversion, employee enthusiasm, product quality, product delivery, equipment uptime, plant household finance, etc. But moving to new ways of thinking and doing business can be very difficult. In other words, if your employees are in constant fire mode, they can not properly implement lean.
<b> Fix obvious issues first </ b>
To prepare for lean, you need to "correct the obvious issues first". Many times employers know exactly what the problem and the solution is. I will fix the time, resources and mind of my mind. If you have a car that is constantly breaking down due to bad transmission, fix it! Repairing or replacing the transmission Do not run a lean strategy to fix the car. Just fix it. It is a process of doing uselessly. Continuous improvement and elimination of waste work process. The obvious problem with all, if fixed to that vehicle, is the time to fine-tune it to become more efficient. Let's see how to reduce waste (cost) to finally save money!
<b> Words about Six Sigma </ b>
Some companies now command Six-Sigma to be used to solve the problem. Unfortunately, Six Sigma is not always used correctly. Six Sigma is intended to solve complex problems with many variables that cause process variations that ultimately cause defects. -Solutions for sigma statistics point systematically as different specific variables. There are variations of what you guessed the prevention. Again, fix the obvious problems first. You do not need to analyze many issues to find a solution. In many cases, the solution is clear: if the bulb is blown off, then change the bulb.
<b> Take care of your people </ b>
Society generally refers to a company as an entity. But they are really a group of people. GM does not build cars, employees of GM build cars.
Successful Development and Culture Toyota Corporation is the first company to develop-train value employees. People have to engage in their work in order to build a culture of those who want to improve continuously. They need to feel rated by the company. I feel there is a contribution to the rewards. Ultimately, the company is not worth having a low employee turnover to create consistency. High employee turnover companies can not maintain a successful lean environment.
In today's business world, it is not easy to promote this kind of environment. Loyalty between US companies and their employees for various reasons is low. Look at the employee as an expense for the asset, which can be easily cut, not some companies. If the employees of the company do not feel that the company rates them, they will find other jobs. In today's business world, it is difficult to implement a long-term lean strategy. Yes, the company can direct employees to reduce waste using lean tools, but be loyal to maintain long-term ideology
<b> Develop and maintain a strong leader </ b>
A good manager's leader, the owner is the dictator. A good manager believes in the team concept where all members of the team are important and his / her opinion will be evaluated. A good manager values his / her employee and realizes that for his / her who is successful, the team must be successful. A bad manger creates a destruction, commanding his / her employees! Good efficiency, high employee of business unit morale has poor head if only a few weeks down. Being a bad manager and a strong leadership skill. They lack the skills, communication-expression, decision-making skills, and delegation skills of the people needed to develop and maintain a talented team. A strong leader has to sell a lean strategy and realize that as a team it is ultimately what employees do.
<b> World class to think and act (even if not there!) </ b>
To be lean is to be world class. When walking to a facility that has a dirty, unorganized work environment, one knows he / she has not walked to a world class facility. There is no need to look at productivity numbers to determine if the equipment is at an international level. If the plant is world class, it will look world class as soon as you walk to the door.
The narrow facilities are fully organized. All processes may be clearly defined. Production operates by a very clear visual control. True world class facilities have discipline to maintain the organization. External auditors, potential customers and employees are turned off if the work environment is clean and unorganized. Keeping the work area clean and organized is easy; however, many companies overlook this simple task.
<b> Making decisions based on logic, not politics </ b>
Most senior management decisions are implemented without question, regardless of whether the decision makes sense. We also discussed the steps and issues that we fully understand without good operation in decision making. The low-level manager ultimately implements strategies and ideas that are not politically based on logic. They implement ideas, even if they themselves do not believe in them. This creates a number of problems that make it difficult to implement a lean strategy.
Decisions are more effective communication throughout the organization. Senior management simply mandates, but does not sell their thoughts and open to questions or suggestions from lower-level management. Advanced management also has enough level of understanding through tasks and processes, such as managers through sufficient communication at various levels. Where possible, major decisions should be made between the team and the individual.
Praise issue
As a coach, someone who helps people improve their performance for the benefit of both individuals and organizations, and you always provide to their performance The most important and most overlooked is the positive feedback I call praise.
It's tough. :
Constructive feedback
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In working with all kinds of companies and organizations, I hear the same concerns every day:
How Do We Improve Productivity?
How do you improve customer service?
How do we keep people actively engaged with others in their team at their work?
How do you reduce the rotation rate?
How do you improve safety?
Even if you are not thinking or worried about all of those questions, I will save you at least one of them in the past at night
As a leader we think of these things as they affect the success of the organization. As a coach, we consider these things daily and how to influence people by people.
As a coach, someone who helps people improve their performance for the benefit of both individuals and organizations, and you always provide to their performance constructive feedback (sometimes called criticism) and positive feedback (I Call it praise).
Forgetting the words for a minute, these two types of information are important to anyone trying to do something better. Since we need to know what we are not doing, we can adjust and we need to know what we are doing, so it is not reasonable to reproduce it Is it?
Look at the words now. I looked up at my criticism of the thesaurus and here is what I found:
"1. blame, faultfinding, disapproval, blame, blame 2. Judgment, assessment, assessment, analysis, assessment, assessment, assessment, assessment, assessment, 2b critique, review, commentary.
I also saw the word praise, found:
"v. 1 praise, praise, praise, praise, praise, praise, praise, praise, praise, sing praise, respect and support ..."
Well, consider these two lists of synonyms. It's not all that is natural, but it makes sense business:
· It is my specialty of having these things done.
· Which of them motivates and inspires me to strive for greater achievement and high efficiency?
And now, with your coach hat, think about these questions:
· Which of these do you share well?
· Help me stimulate the other and give me other motivations to reach their potential?
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