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Print: Media Death-The End of the Age

The steps of accepting death included denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and, ultimately, acceptance. Although these emotional responses were not intended for this purpose, it is clear that many people are not about the late, painful passing of print media

Now, as the print media is in its suffering of death, there is a lot of refusal. There is also a lot of anger and depression, but it mainly originates from the owners and shareholders of the print publication. ..

Article body:
The steps of accepting death included denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and, ultimately, acceptance. Although these emotional responses were not intended for this purpose, it is clear that many people are not about the late, painful passing of print media

Now, as the print media is in its suffering of death, there is a lot of refusal. There is also a lot of anger and depression, but it mostly comes from the owners and shareholders of print publications such as newspapers and magazines – not digital at least, at least. However, the focus of this article is that the print medium is actually dead, but, as expected, many people remain slaves who deny that fact. Care about you, I do not say that printing is dead – not in long shots. There are desktop color inkjet printers and high-speed laser printers. It is the print media that has expired. If you find it hard to believe, you are not alone. ...

If you enjoy digging into the thick, inky size and crosswords of the treated Sunday morning wood pulp, or catching on a business trend, or if you are in business and delayed in acceptance, then just unknowingly You may plan your business destiny.

Contrary to what most people think, printing first appeared in China. Xylography, as it is called, played a hand-carved wood block on the entire page of the access page. In Europe, the famous German goldsmith Johan-Gutenberg changed it all and made printing more practical on a larger scale in hundreds of years (circa 1450). The amazing invention of Gutenberg is dramatic The whole world has changed, and those changes have evolved and endured for almost the sixth century-all in all, the evolution of the previous century's print on earth is not astonishingly short did. If you are using a desktop laser printer. It was 1950 that the print shop needed more than printing power.
The print media is always hanging on the market of contractors and advertisers with remembering claw fingernails. Not only are these market bases shrinking, they are shrinking at an increasing rate. For example, the newspaper peaked in 1987, but in the last few years readers and ads have been declining significantly. Despite the growing population in the United States, newspaper readers fell from 2004 to 54.6 to 2004 million at 62.7. Magazines are not good.

Hot, relatively new magazine titles such as Wired, as well as long established newspapers like New York-Times, have regularly had an unprecedented loss, even if they are print media agencies Not TV Guides, Geography, House & Garden also rapidly declines to their own rental gallery. Overall, magazine subscriptions have returned to the 1994 level. There are other amazing statistics that show these facts:

*** Ads page loss between 2004 and 2005 (shown as a percentage)

TV Guide-20%
Country Home-12.7%
House & Garden-11.4
Geographical geography-17.4%
Time -17.5%
Wired -12.2%

Performance Primary Media Shares 2005-Cent:

Vero (BLC)-11.6%
Fisher (FSCI)-3.1%
Gannett (GCI)-24.2%
Gray (GTN)-38%
Hurst-Argyle (HTV)-6.9%
Media General (MEG)-17%
Meredith (MDP)-2.4%
New York-Times (NYT)-30.7%
Tribune (TRB)-24.8%
Young (YBTVA)-80.2%

*** Source: The United States Magazine Publisher (MPA) as of May 6, 2005

Very, few magazines and newspapers have few subscribers, and even though they are selling a few ad pages, they have shown an increase in advertising sales revenue. How? Fewer readers are happening – by increasing the pricing for the same amount of space. I will pay. Certainly they are ignorant and / or refusal. Business owners and decision makers tend to be somewhat older, and such things should be advertised in print media, as such ones are robust in their old fashion, and that print media definitely needs to be done Some, but only at relatively low levels – and all print media ads, consumers on websites Websites are a huge number of products and services on an endless stream of new and recurring visitors Infinite space to display and sell, music, voice, sound

Advertising trends are clearly indicated by the number of advertisements on the Internet. The sale of the Internet banner ads alone is for another 10% up for 2005. And the Internet advertising giant, Google Reports keyword advertising revenue is up 96% beat! All of these revenues are from the budget used to go to print media as well as radio, television etc. Come. Online / Internet advertising is expected to break the $ 3 billion mark this year, showing an overall growth of around 10%. Is advertising work on the Internet? See what is done for the company it started only with that style of advertising. The list includes huge corporations such as eBay, Yahoo, Match, and Google. "What did you say?

Internet attacks are not reserved for print media advertising sales. The Internet is finding that radio and TV are also a formidable competition for advertising dollars. Radio listeners-The ship is at its lowest point for over 25 years, and major television networks have lost about one third of their viewers since 1985.

Video games still play, with the initial mass of users away from the television and radio. However, self-respecting gamers do not spend time on the Internet searching for tricks, special codes, tips. I want to play the game for everyone. They want more time. "Researching news online is faster and free. Online buying also saves fuel.

More and more people quit reading computers and even more time reading newspapers and magazines – computers. A little wonder, finding information, separating, and reviewing-it's easy and Internet users can save a fair amount of money almost anything they buy. In addition, the Internet users to sell quickly, clearly show what more money, and unprecedented success.

A great example of the impact of the Internet can be seen in car sales. Ten years ago, if you live in 10,000 towns and you want to sell your three-year-old car, you run a small black to white print ad for a week Also in a larger town near you With paper – pay more and you can advertise every time you get the same small ad. Today, for $ 30 and can put an ad on the line, millions of people see it. There are virtually unlimited spaces-you can include text in multiple color photos. You don't have to sit either on the phone – you get an email. People view your car 24 hours a day, 7 days a week until it sells-very close to your suggested price. I think that how much people are traveling cars is just how much feeling distance.

This is a utensils because it should be clothes and jewelry. If you own a clothing store and you advertise in magazines, in color, it is expensive and you can view one item – plus build a website with internet, you Show your entire line, and whatever you work to sell your product, your store, music, your ad magazine often goes to the same person, but not much. The Internet, on the other hand, is available to everyone, and goes and goes everywhere. The difference is amazing!

How is the cost difference? I enjoyed a degree of success over a couple of decades past, using the Internet and local magazines to compare it. The monthly reader of the magazine is said to be 35,000+. Full-page color advertising costs about $ 3,000 for one issue. Divide the cost by the number of readers and it costs about $ 85.71 per thousand impressions. Conversely, one of the banner portals in the city portal that is enjoying about 1,000,000 monthly visitors costs around $ 41.66 a month, which works out to a lesser cost .1⁄2 thousand impressions per 1⁄2 thousand impressions. The cost of this print ad is about 8,000 times the cost of a banner ad impression. Of course, not everyone stops and reads your internet banner, but then too, not everyone stops and reads your print ad either.

By the way, if you are wondering what your website should be like to start taking advantage of the explosion of the internet business, here's (If you sell baseball, everyone in the world wants to know about baseball They should be found at your site! And it should be presented interestingly and professionally Each month, Internet users expect more from the sites they visit.

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