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Printed Postcards vs. E Postcards (Win?)

I will report that the head was found to be the first printed postcard.

It's tough. :
Online printing service, postcard printing

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Postcards have long gone already. From the first printing postcards used in Austria around 1969, to the cutting-edge postcards we now have, the postcard printing industry accommodates huge change and growth

I will report that the head was found to be the first printed postcard. They were famous in Austria and were copied by European countries, including the United Kingdom, because of their utility. These printed postcards were just plain and simple. While the other half is the address of the recipient, the message can be found on the other side. Photographs were introduced to postcards only in 1902. Early photo cards were printed in Germany. The latter is more advanced when it comes to photo reproduction, the rest of the state.

With this innovation, printed postcards have become more beautiful and widespread. They contain different subjects like places, people, cartoons and art. With this change, printed postcards have spread in Europe as well as on other continents. In addition, these postcards gather.

Since the start of the Internet, e-postcards have been replacing slowly printed ones. Finding the right message and image is not taxing on e-postcards. They are display a wide variety of post cards from different occasions, places, people and other artsy stuffs. Sending them is no longer that burden. You just click your mouse and go there. There is no need to go over the price with a postcard printing company. Another advantage is that e-postcards are cheaper. It does not seem to have been sent.

However, a large percentage is still in favor of conventional printed postcards. Makes you feel the postcards you are printing. Hand and mail delivery postcards are still more personal. Because you can actually feel it, hold it, keep it, show on your board or ref. You don't need electricity to send it. Printed postcards also carry more personal design and form. They reflect an effort to show how special the recipient is to the sender.

Whether we like classical or modern ways to send postcards, the choice is ours to maintain and enjoy!

On-demand printing and short-time printing

Instant Use Digital Printing Technology Print to produce standard print books in a rapid, cost-effective process. Short-term printing is the traditional printing method only for what its name implies, but it does short printing.

It's tough. :
Short-term, digital, printing, service, printing, on demand

Article body:
On-demand printing is a new method of printing technology that enables the production of certain very low printing. The ultimate in on-demand printing is the production of one copy at a time. This is only possible using the new digital printing technology. Unlike so-called short-run printing, it defines traditional printing with small numbers for very limited shareholders; on-demand printing is a customer's order

As a formal definition of print on demand and short run printing-print on demand produces standard print books in a quick and cost-effective process For short run printing, only for what its name implies It is a traditional printing method but performs short printing. This means that with traditional printing, the more you print at one time, the lower the cost of each unit.

Advantages and Disadvantages of On-Demand Printing: The main advantage of on-demand printing is that the cost of printing does not initially occur. Therefore, the initial cost of inventory is just the cost of setting up a digital file to print a book when an order occurs. One drawback is that it controls the quality of books printed one copy at a time, and requires a very large investment to manage the flow. The second drawback is that bookstores and wholesalers do not order stock of printed books one at a time. Thus, such books are always "special order" and reduce sales. Compared to offsets, higher unit production costs can make it harder to give attractive books an attractive retail price.

One advantage is that its superior quality control and potentially lower unit prices are compared to print on demand. Another thing is that it enables the production of stocks for wholesalers and retailers to order, which they do. The disadvantage is that short term printing does not eliminate warehousing as a complete and inventory takes as one print on request.

The best use of on-demand printing increases sales, reduces warehouse costs, and converts to thousands of titles at a time print on demand availability While short term printing is most commonly used

a) The title is expected to sell more than 100, but less than 1,000 copies per year
b) When the publisher wishes to minimize the initial investment in the title but wishes to sell through the bookstore. According to statistics, small publishers released about 50,000 new titles annually. The average number of copies printed is 3,800; the average lifespan of books is the year, or 420, sold yearly. Because of the large number of these 50,000 titles in the short term, publishers can switch to offsets at any time from the short term, if the request actually justifies it

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