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Profits should not be dirty words of goods handling

In economic well-being, many people in the material processing industry expect good times without making changes in the way they do business. Unfortunately, that means the continuation of one particular practice that played a major role in getting the economy into trouble a few years ago.

It's tough. :
Transport equipment, profit

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When profit is excluded from the equation of the economy, no one gets profit.

In economic well-being, many people in the material processing industry expect good times without making changes in the way they do business. Unfortunately, that means the continuation of one particular practice that played a major role in getting the economy into trouble a few years ago.

When "dots. Coms" were flying high, they were incredibly low prices and by a simple way to provide a constant expansion to the market about what they did not know, they When achieving a sufficient market share, it promised investors to be all around and finally worked with annual losses. Ultimately, of course, this "gets a little at each deal, but make it at volume" the business model blasted into his face. The balloons popped one by one and the economy continued down the tubes, them.

In the material handling industry, this business model of credit is still very much in evidence. Too many companies are playing merger games and are entering a market that knows nothing. Too many forget the long distance plan completely, (this is called management for shareholder value) will look good for another quarter himself

The worst of all, with the idea that too many companies will become profitable when the competition is eliminated, is buying the forgoing concept of profit pursuing market share Now it's almost a bid that enables the profit Called "buy a job," which means to submit. In theory, this has two advantages. It will make your sales (or your profit if not) look impressive and get a job. More importantly, for some people, it prevents your competition getting a job.

But let's look at the shortcomings. Without profit, there is no money to invest in research and development, capital investment, etc. All your growth is on paper and disappears as soon as you run out of money to buy a job.

With minimal margin, you don't tend to service the money or even the sale after it is made. The result is an unhappy customer, and it is by no means good news for the long-term prospects of your company.

Finally, let's say your strategy of underbidding your competition piece, and your closest competitor, went bankrupt. What Happens? Someone buys his assets for 25 cents of a dollar and opens a new business. His initial investment was so low that he could lower your price. You have not eliminated the competition, you made it worse.

Profit is not a dirty word. Anyone when profits are eliminated from economic equalization-at least all customers-benefits. I'm not saying that I shouldn't look for efficiencies that can lower prices while maintaining a reasonable return. Naturally customer benefits from low prices, but the economy in general and the material handling industry especially admit that we all want our fair share, if you are satisfied with 3% profit, I It is recommended that you buy government bonds. It's safe

Professional ethics

You have always dreamed of a good career, but when it comes to the important decisions that need to be made, you start thinking about every step. This article will help you realize how pro.

It's tough. :

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There are many jobs in the world that require strong will, stamina, and courage. Thousands of police officers, doctors, firefighters and rescue teams save people every minute. To graduate from college and master one of the above occupations is to think only about actually applying your knowledge well. A few years after you became a famous doctor, a resident of honor, and a dedicated family. However, one accident in your practice will turn your life upside down and you may rethink your system of personal codes of values ​​and ethics

Race towards the hospital in the middle of the night, think about what you are going to see. Once in the room, one of your patients can see his eyes closed and lying. When you hear your colleague's words "no hope", guilt overwhelms you. Shut down the support equipment and let the patient die from suffering in his way to death, or do nothing to save a good name you got during your practice, leaving the room, you often have euthanasia problems Start back in your student days when discussed. What was your attitude? Of course, as most people think, you thought of unacceptable inhumanity. Did you really give a good idea to be a student in question? Clearly, you never appeared before such a choice. And now you have an expert reputation, what should you choose?

Euthanasia is defined as the act of merciful killing that liberates people from suffering. Medieval experts liberated patients from physical as well as spiritual suffering. Today, physician duty is restricted by law, and in some states, euthanasia is prohibited by law unless one of the families presents a request that has been further investigated. There is a cultural aspect. On the one hand, there are the ten commandments of the Bible. After humanism has been established as a philosophical flow, some regard euthanasia as a crime. On the other hand, there is a Hippocratic word that pleads to help poverty regardless of the social position. Why should a doctor who understands the situation torture someone if only suffering is waiting for people in a short way to death? Isn't it more cruel than killing someone? These are the moral aspects of the problem, but the code of professional ethics requires action and is the choice you make. Even after you consider everything and make the right decisions, you should be called an expert and be further respected.

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