Not only in literature, but in realism in art, they are practical and depictions of subjects that appear in everyday life. Realism does not deal with interpretation or decoration. The point of realism is to capture people and situations in a crude and realistic way. Like realist photographs, realist painters do not focus on styling, but they are the most influential in depicting situations that only look like the naked eye
Realism draws real characters in real situations, but tends to have emphasis placed on inferiority or uglyness. Thus, realism is the opposite of idealism. In idealism the theory is that the reality and regular world around us is only a reflection of the higher truth. But in realism, it seems that "what I know for sure is what my eyes and other sense organs can teach."
As a reaction to French romanticism idealism in the middle of the nineteenth century, realism has become a popular cultural movement in many respects. Realism is often democracy as an idea, for politics, social reform, to respond to link demands. Literature and rule of visual art between England, France, the United States, 1840 and 1880, realism was popular throughout many aspects of life.
Realists tend to abandon such arrogance as classical forms, theaters, sublime esoteric subjects, in favor of the most common subjects and themes. A very famous example of a realist painting is Jean-Francois Millet's "The Gleaners" in 1857. This picture depicts three women working in the field. The colors are very realistic and almost monotonous, in contrast to unrealistic paintings.
Realism as an artistic movement appears as early as 2400 BC in India in Lothal City. Examples of this type of art can be found throughout the world and through art history. In a very broad sense, realism is the subject or object that has been observed and accurately depicted, although the entire art work may not fit into real conditions.
The most prominent mode of art in European art is a form called mannerism that showed artificial and elongated numbers in a very unrealistic, but elegant position Then an artist named Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio appeared, Just by the actual human beings drawing the real thing, it changed many directions of art. His work shows images drawn directly to the life of every day of every day, showing immediacy that he has never seen before.
Dutch art had a beloved realist entry for homely details and humble conditions and subjects. Rembrandt is a very well-known example of Dutch realism in painting. By observing nature and drawing pictures, the Barbizon School has taken realism in a whole new direction, as the beginning of the Impressionist formed.
Realism still plays a role in all kinds of painting and art today. From film to television and art, realism is still a major player in the world of creative, expressive processes and productions. Throughout human history, there was something that they wanted to see as they were and in reality there was something to see the tips of God. Realism, we have found some among more modern and contemporary art and has made a long way in providing one extreme.
Buying Painting: Precisionism
Also known as cubism realism, in connection with Art Deco movements, Precisionism was developed in the United States after World War I. These elements for this movement are accurate, sharply defined geometry It was drawn using the geometric shape.
The degree of abstraction ran the spectrum as some works had photo realistic qualities, and although there was no movement outside the United States, this Georgia * O'Keefe is the major of this style Remaining as one of the leading supporters, and so remained for many years until the 1960s, her husband said that in the post-post-representation phase of life in the art world, Precisionism is affected The juxtaposition of forward movement with such sense of distance, and themes from popular culture
Immediately after the beginning of the 1950s, pop art movements became apparent in places such as the UK and the United States, and the elements of advertising and cartoonism adopted this word of abstract expressionism until 1958 There was no, but it was later associated with Dadaism from the beginning of the century. It then affects artists like Andy * Warhol and Jasper * Jones, meaning either low cost mass production or gimmicked artwork
By exploring that proportion of the daily image, the artist himself discovers in cooperation with the modern consumption culture, which at the same time Britain, Spain, the department of Japan, especially in the UK, where pop art is that in 1947 From time to time it looked like a trunk, and many works began to blur the boundaries of art and advertising. In Spain, the movement has become interactive with the "new metaphor", while work has begun to be an important aspect in this part of the world, from the roots of Infomaris
In Japan, pop art is seen and used through much of the country's native artwork, through means such as animation and the "super-flat" style of art, and arte when picking exciting works by these artists, it is Later artists do a lot of their inspiration for their work
Nowadays, Precisionism can be viewed as the basic influence of commercial and popular art, but it influences our present stance on the practicality and function of the art As the present of postmodern light comes to light, we Is drawn back too often into the past, and defines a new century of experience
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