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Real happiness comes from within

Life is not sweet candy. Sometimes, when I feel the world is too heavy, I look around and find people who continue to have a charming and wonderful life. I wonder if there is a bubble going forward with that thought-"What's adorably sweet for my life? It's like this, it's a busy stress despite the playful surroundings that make you laugh." Then I pause Observed for a while ... I figured out that they would start working at a place called "self".

So how do you become purely happy? Step 1 is to love yourself.

My theology professor once "loved means to accept." Loving yourself means to accept that you are not a perfect being, but behind imperfections, I Recover from our mistakes

Real happiness also relates to satisfaction. The way you see when you are satisfied with the work you have, your family, your friends, where you live, your car, and you now ”

If we find a small opening somewhere inside, that small opening will eventually lead to something else and something else. But if you continue to question life, it has never done something good to you.

This life sees you, and you fail and you will win and lose. These are things that happen when you inhale and exhale frequently. Failure in one's life is as rich and necessary as air. I'm glad I can not get in the way of this.

How do all these things make people happy in a true sense? I tell you ... every time you make an effort to improve the quality of your life and your existence, help a friend, whether you are cleaning your room

Imagine life as a large score board like those used in NFLs. Every time you take a step forward, you score. It's not good to look at that board at the end of each game and think for yourself! I got points today. I'm glad I gave it a shot. ", Instead of looking at all the blanks and tweets," I didn't even hit today's score. I wish I had the courage to try it out. I won, "and walk away.

Real Happiness is the most popular in life when driving the hottest Formula 1 car, earning an annual award employee, earning a salary for the 13th month, breaking sales quotas A prize is not always the fastest, strongest, brave, or not the best. Yes, how unbelievably happy? Each one has his own definition of "happiness". Taste a lighter for happiness is possible as a new bestseller book. Happiness for basketball rookies may mean getting an annual rookie rookie. Happiness for a beggar may mean a lot of money. Happiness for a businessman means success. So, really now how do we become pure and happy? Simple You do not have to have the best in this world. Of the best of all that single thing. When you find yourself smiling with your own mistakes and telling yourself "Oh, I may spread like a brush with you. You are willing to get up and try again.

When learning to accept yourself and your own shortcomings. You pass Step 1 of the project "How to be really happy". Also accepted for as long as you know how to accept others. As long as you know how to love and love, you will receive love.

Again, I throw the same question "How to become really happy?" I refer to my strongly quoted friends-"most of us have the best medicine to laugh and pain and pain in life But most of us do not know that the best kind of laughter is a laughter over self, because you are not just happy ... you will be free. "

Medical secret excavation of 5000 years old!

When you get sick, you go to the doctor. And, of course, the doctor prescribes the medicine. When you go buy the medicine. I think.

This is how the health profession is – nowadays in a cycle of diagnostics and prescriptions.

If anyone should give herbs for medicine, they probably say that the person was upset.

However, today, research is being conducted to see if there is a real benefit to what is called natural medicine.

Natural medicine is to heal the diseases of natural methods, herbal medicines, and the use of traditional practices. Every culture has a natural form of medicine. In ancient cultures, village doctors worked as community doctors and transferred medical knowledge to the following apprentices.

Many categories of cures apply to natural medicine. Among these are traditional medicine, complementary medicine and alternative medicine.

Natural medicine usually refers to the medical practice that preceded the advent of modern medicine.

This includes herbal medicine, or phytotherapy, Ayurvedic (or Indian), and Greek medicines that are prevalent in Chinese.

With the advent of modern medicine, many experts have abandoned the use of herbs in favor of artificial medicine. Some herbs in healing properties based on these treatments are forgotten.

For example, opium, digitalis, quinine, and aspirin all have roots in traditional medicine.

Natural medicine can be regarded as a lost art. It does not mean that it is effective. In some cases, natural remedies are actually better than modern medicine. This will seriously lead some doctors to consider and consider the possible use of natural medicine

Before we continue, it is important to emphasize that not all natural remedies are justified. It would be helpful to try these remedies that are so thoroughly researched and relatively risk free.

Take herbal medicine, for example. There are many well-documented and researched herbal remedies available. However, only those that deal with mild illnesses such as coughs, colds, fevers, skin rashes, and their ilk may be recommended by healthcare professionals. These treatments are sometimes superior to synthetic drugs. This is because Chinese medicine is unlikely to cause negative side effects.

Currently there are many organizations that study the effects and advocacy of natural medicine – among them are herbal medicines. Some governments and health agencies openly claim the use of natural methods because they are cheap and relatively risk-free.

As a compiled study, you can accept a list of herbal treatments. However, many herbs and treatments have proven to be bogus medicine. This is a challenge for both the user and the agency, as they must make sure that the treatment or advocate they are using is legitimate.

There are many alternative medicines applicable under natural medicine today. However, it is effective if not all. It can describe homeopathy, aromatherapy, acupuncture, and other alternative treatments. This will be paid to consult an expert on the legitimacy of these treatments.

Natural medicine should also be considered as an accompanying drug. At present, current group medical thinking suggests that natural medicine is used only to complement accepted medical practice. In the case of minor illnesses your expert really advises to take natural remedies instead.

The practice of modern medicine revolves around diagnosing diseases and prescribing such treatments. Natural medicine is useful because it suggests that treatment is not always given only when you are ill. Natural medicine strives for each patient to practice their health habits. These habits include a good diet, healthy living, and regular natural treatment.

It is this same idea that instructs our parents to eat our vegetables. Yes, it does not harm a healthy lifestyle and our happiness. And this is the basis of natural medicine – it may be massage, herbal medicine, aromatherapy etc.

It is funny but true that science is exploring in search of excellence, past the wise man's knowledge. This surprisingly leads us to the provision of a therapeutic nature. The possibility of finding remedies for daily illnesses in natural medicine is encouraged. So staying tuned to these healing studies confirms that these therapies are truly useful to our health and our society

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