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Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, multisystem,

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, multisystem, and inflammatory autoimmune disease that causes attacks on joints. It is a very devastating and painful condition that can lead to loss of mobility to pain and joint deterioration. Rheumatoid arthritis is systemic and affects different tissues through the body, skin, blood vessels, heart, lungs and muscles. Rheumatoid arthritis can be felt by anyone between the ages of 20 and 40 and can begin anytime The history of the family is important for risk. It is three times more common in women than men and up to four times more commonly in smokers than non-smokers.

The symptoms separate rheumatoid arthritis from many other types of arthritis due to joint inflammation and soft tissue swelling at the same time. This is known as polyarthritis. The joints are usually affected asymmetrically, and then the symmetry continues as the disease continues. It is not like other forms of arthritis such as osteoartrrhits as pain moves with the use of affected joints.

As the disease progresses, inflammatory activity results in erosion and destruction of the joints, impairing the range of movement of the joints and causing some deformation. The fingers and bones will deviate towards the outside and the small fingers and take an unnatural shape. It has the Boutonnière form, the swan's neck form, and the "z thumb" form, which includes the form of the patient treating rheumatoid arthritis.

Because rheumatoid arthritis is a multisystem disease, other diseases and conditions may result as a result. Many of the people with rheumatoid arthritis also have anemia. Anemia does not have enough of them, or red blood, as this causes a lower function of hemoglobin and oxygen to be taken to the tissue, which is a chronic disease and many will suffer from it and splenomegaly or spleen enlargement. Felty's Sjögren's syndrome and Sjögren's Dermological, which are autoimmune disorders that cells attack, ruin exocrine glands, and produce salvia and breakage, affect the outer bar. Fibrosis may occur at any time in the lungs or as a result of different treatments.

There are several things that I focus on in the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. Having a morning stiffness that lasts more than an hour is from 14 joints or from more than 3 arthritis and soft tissue swelling of the joint group Symmetrical arthritis, subcutaneous bar in specific places, corrosion of joints Hands such as radioactivity changes and levels of the rheumatoid factor that are proposed and are part of the criteria at least four of these things hats have to be met to establish a diagnosis .

The treatment for rheumatoid arthritis is going to be put on antirheumatic drugs (DMARDS), anti-inflammatory agents and pain medications of disease modification. DMARDS are known to initiate durable remissions, delay the disease process, and prevent bone and joint damage. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents help to improve pain and stiffness but do not stop any damage or delay the disease.

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