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Rules of the Supreme Court on places where fish can swim

The Supreme Court found that fish had no right to swim in their property with water, so that developers could decorate wetlands at shopping malls and condominiums

Until now, the court generally maintained that the fish had certain unassigned rights, and among them, they can not navigate.

However, because it was applied only to newly arrived fish, not the overwhelming victory the land owner wanted, but what was already in the wetland there

Small tits. :

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The Supreme Court found that fish had no right to swim in their property with water, so that developers could decorate wetlands at shopping malls and condominiums

Until now, the court generally maintained that the fish had certain unassigned rights, and among them, they can not navigate.

However, because it was applied only to newly arrived fish, not the overwhelming victory the land owner wanted, but what was already in the wetland there

Separated results open a dam to more lawsuits in the lower courts, lawyers for ACLU enter any wetlands and end all fish rights

The sentence also swims in all the water, muddies clean water action and its presence can shock people watching in the water before they drink it

Keeping firmly on the fish, Justice Scalia maintained what the fish 's right was doing "beyond parodies" they seemed to cover even now, "

However, Justice - Stevens wrote that the wetlands had "traditionally had a tributary of sailable water tributaries and surfaces", so the fish would be overburdened

Justice Souter wonders why Congress will allow fish in the river, but will dominate them from waterways and wetlands to feed them, maintain, "you"

But justice Scalia said that "such a logic gives the fish the right to swim in the storm drain" because he can think of it as sailing during heavy rain He said, I suggest it is unreasonable to call the water of the storm drainage in the US Drainage It is necessary to trap fish swimming rights to the goldfish bowl as it becomes a waters area of ​​such size . "

The sun burns for more than 500 million years only.

We are often recalling that the sun shines in a way that can support the path of life on Earth here for about only 500 million years. Sensing the unexpected situation of a catastrophe and we will easily standing on the earth when the old father sol started to refuse the heat, of those far off people

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Small tits. :
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Article body:
We are often recalling that the sun shines in a way that can support the path of life on Earth here for about only 500 million years. Sensing the unexpected situation of a catastrophe and we will easily standing on the earth when the old father sol started to refuse the heat, of those far off people

But for us, for example, in the case of a surprising nuclear war, perhaps if another second billionaires could last, there seems to be far more immediate concern.

Of course, by causing traditional warfare and various murderous sectarian disturbances, end the concern about the sun's longevity due to tens of thousands of fellow stars

However, as we are overly familiar with all the inconvenient threats, we may enumerate that it could greatly compromise our longevity, we will mention Everest

Now, plenteously expanded to imminent challenges to the continuation of ourselves and our descendants, hot news science revealed about the ability of the sun for burning We have to live long

So, as far as we know, let's ask the question that it has not been considered yet. How can we explode the bands of roughness rosers, self-destroy quickly any time, not the last for another 500 million years?

Or maybe we are currently enjoying another relatively refreshing interglacial period just another 10,000 years, as such a cooling fact, I

First, of course, we should consider dealing with the biggest Tomahawk in the air.

Meanwhile, what invitingly positive items may or may not be using ourselves during the next fifty years. Ultimately, our unrealistic so far, we doubt that the achievable purpose is more than just essentially hanging for an eternal ride; it

So we have been hooked on well-barnacled threats that we gave in our hearts and burdens on pleasant employment and the aspired capacity in our alternative way for lassitude

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If you love someone, I recommend you consider how lucky you are.

And we will go right from our most spectacular consideration to the most incommequential massage of our joy principle, eg checkers. Because I recommend that you can enjoy the game, but concentrate, the next will move him. As you know, you are not as an individual game star anywhere near 500 million to make your victory jump.

We do not worry exclusively about what we are about to do when the sun comes out, but through the other end of the telescope,

In fact, there are most of the enormities that we are properly plagued beyond our remote or our influence when you think, you

In fact, the more we discover how big astronomical things are, the more like the mysterious long life of the sun, the smaller things are more readily prepared for the true universe of smiles Imagine the significance of, or even a delicious, soft kiss. After all, even a robust sun can not do such a thing.

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