The terms of sale are those that keep positive cash. When doing work, the best way to expect yourself to be paid and protect yourself is by placing and sticking with clear and reasonable terms of sale.
It's tough. :
Sales conditions, sales conditions
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The terms of sale are those that keep positive cash. I can not afford to raise other people's funds as a new business. You need to keep cash flowing through your business so you have to set clear conditions of sale from scratch.
Terms of Sale Tips
Don't be too fast to give new customers credit. If your term of sale includes a generous credit extension, you can actually get taken to the detergent. If you do not provide credit, keep the relatively low limit until the client builds up a solid credit history with you.
Always claim a written contract as part of your terms of sale. The promise of words is for amateurs. Even if everyone knows everyone in your town, you need to claim a simple one- or two-page contract that reveals your role, responsibilities, and obligations.
Always get a major project deposit check. If you can get it, you need 25%, 50% at the absolute minimum.
Bill every week, not when you get around it. Many people start off sending their bills each week, but then they are actually in use, which delays every three or four weeks. The reason for setting favorable conditions of sale is that your clients get money in your bank account, not letting them keep it.
Always enforce your credit policy. If you have a payment delay, send an arrear notice or call to confirm that the bill will be paid.
Make sure to have the funds put for an inevitable dry spell. Despite the tough conditions of sale, you have a late period. Review by ""
Bottom line of sales conditions
Setting the appropriate terms for sale is an important feature. Establishing the necessary rules and regulations, as well as the daily cash-flow situation that includes the need for total capital and its monitoring. Make sure that your sales terms are not caught short. When doing, expect to be paid, and the best way to protect yourself is by placing and sticking with clear and reasonable terms of sale.
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