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Sales tools to do it yourself

Learn to create a simple sales tool that will help you track and track on any lead. This is a great tool for anyone who wants to put the system in place for automating network activities for salespeople.

It's tough. :
Sales tools, networking, sales force automation, truck leads, sales, sales tracking, salesperson, sales

Article body:
After falling in love with a hipster PDA and a Levengers shirt pocket briefcase, I began to become more and more dependent on the 5 "index card by 3". Because they are great for taking notes on the go and keeping notes organized on my desk, I naturally use cards to automate my sales process From this, "3X5" is born Did. I may not be the first person to use index cards like this, but I am easy for many salespeople to use the system and very effective

You will need the following items to create your own 3X5 sales tool. I would also like to take care of my co-product marketing and testing 25.00 for my local samples.

    * Box for storing index cards
    * Index tab monthly 3 "by 5"
    * Daily (1-31) 3 "by 5" Index Tab
    * 3 "5" index tab of the alphabet
    * White ton dominated 5 "index card by 3"
    * 5 "index card by 3" color bundle
    * If you carry a small card in your pocket

Once you have purchased the necessary supplies, you can organize your 3X5. To simplify, let's say you are assembling 3X5 with January 1st. In such cases, first organize the tabs in the following order (front to back):

    * Month tab
    * Daily Tabs 1-31
    * Month-Month tab
    * AZ Alphabet Tab
    * Blank index card-white and your favorite color

All of your cards should now be in the file box, the first thing you should see is the January tab.

Next, connect the start creation card. In the beginning, this will take some time (assuming you have a lot of leads). There is also a white card to use. Or I think I like it and I can say it goes down.

The system works this way.

Let's say that it is January1st. And attend networking events to meet potential customers. You want to get the business card of this lead at the event and contact him / her on the 2nd. When you get to your office, you staple the leading business card into a white index card and drop it behind the "2" tab, and after that day the new sales system will be tackled by the New Year day , It is also a network event.

So you will arrive at work on the 2nd of the month. And open your 3x5. The first thing to do is to put the "1" tab back behind the "February" tab. Always roll forward the system this way, with the first tab appearing in the box representing the most recent month and then the most recent day.

Well, you went to the tab of the day (Jan2nd.) I was on the card, it is a network event. You call Reed and learn that he / she is out of town until the 6th of May. So you write, "1/2 / 05-Mr.Lead is on vacation until 1/6". Now you drop the card behind the "6" tab of the month.

Make notes at each step and roll back this lead forward in the system until you are required to turn the customer into a customer or leave them alone

When the lead turns to the customer, I bind the business card to the colored card and put it behind the proper alphabet tab. If they are another opportunity with this client, I will move the colored card back to the date section and move through the process again.

Of course, you can not get additional pipelines on the day of contact that is then slotted. As you contact them tomorrow, just move to the next day's slot at the end of the current day.

If you are going to be on the road or out of the office, you can simply grab and go your card for the day

Not just for salespeople.

The system is a great tool for those of us who are also focusing on networking while being great for salespeople. I actually use three different color cards used colors: white, blue, my network contacts for clients and red (in patriotism, with a red card, I write either 7, 14 , 30, 45, 60, etc. I just moved the card forward based on the card number etc. I just moved the card forward based on the card number, etc. I would like to remind myself how often I want to remind myself If I want to contact someone, I will move the card a week ahead after I get in touch.

This connection is also recommended to have a regular ping network so you should never eat with Keith-Herling Ferrazzi's books alone. By the way, if you have not read a book, you should. You must not eat from the written note.

Options / Extensions.

I am considering adding a daily tab every month, so I can move people to a specific date (that is,). August 11) in the future.

The index card on the tab where you can add sticky tab handy to a part is the contact's birthday. If you do this, just repeat all that is on the birthday month so that you can compile the list of monthly birthdays right away, but this is probably overkill and you You can probably just add the contact's name to the calendar and keep it different,

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