Beware of the foolish sense of confidence that plagues most salesmen. , It is a confidence that is completely based on bias. .
It's tough. :
Sales, sales, sales tips, sales questions, sales techniques, sales techniques, sales training
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First of all, the first thing you need to grow in sales and denial is your confidence.
But beware of the foolish sense of confidence that afflicts most salesmen. , It is a confidence that is completely based on bias. .
Let me explain!
You say you are physically confident. You will tell yourself that you can cruise through life and have full control of any positive situation, but you must make it your weakness that has nothing to do with your strength Suddenly, all of your confidence is not there anymore. When people have weaknesses and someone exposes them, they lose total confidence.
Confidence is not something that you can classify just based on a few things. Developing total trust is a fairly complex subject, it covers all areas of your life and that you already have confidence that you intend you to add yourself In the area and the weakest area is all about the development of confidence you need.
Imagine a boxer getting a lot hit as he kept dropping his hand. Soon, as his coach says, it's fine if you leave your hand there, even if he needs it. He does this, it works, and now he is more confident. But if no one could talk to him. What do you think will happen to his confidence? One of the more severe was the end of the hit and the situation could be lost. So you need to make sure that an adviser or coach develops your confidence the right way.
So what is the right credibility? There are some, but today we will discuss technical confidence.
First of all, you need to stay in a certain industry and learn as much about it as possible. Some people think sales are about going out and faking your way through it with good looks and tricks. What I advise is something to get into the sales career of a company where you can see the future and what you love and enjoy talking about to customers or prospects in time to develop your technical confidence Will be put.
Developing confidence in top-level sales will take place over several years. This is not just flying by the night sort of thing you should do to fill time. Success is something that must be developed.
So, enter the industry that has a passion for you.
You remember with the client no matter what they ask you to sit in one, ask you, "he hesitating is lost", as you are clearly and correctly It is very true when applied to. It is used without hesitation to pick up people, and is weak on the front. Because it is not a customer's sale. You can answer someone's questions or meet your needs so that they can make informed decisions, in fact very controlled
So, you have to be completely proficient in your knowledge and the language of the industry you are in, and you know your industry very well
If you sell a specific product such as a car, then you get to know everything, just about that car, and the opposite car of the same price range offering the same type of thing, the strength and weakness of your opposite product. It is a step towards gaining technical confidence.
Your mission this week is to go out and learn as much as possible about your particular area. If you learn terminology, slang, technology and that technology and the results of this dramatically improve your technical confidence, this is shown in your sales track record.
But remember, there are no short cuts, and what you have learned here today is only the first small of many to become a successful salesperson
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