According to Butler Group data, up to 70% of customer relationship improvement programs fail. Customer Focus, Inc. ( We believe that the main reason for the poor results of many CRM, customer service training, and customer-focused programs is not to consider the entire customer experience Before you begin your customer relationship improvement program, start by understanding the impact of these customer experience findings.
It's tough. :
crm, eo, customer focus, customer service training, customer loyalty
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According to Butler Group data, up to 70% of customer relationship improvement programs fail. At <a href=""> Customer Focus Inc. </a> ( We believe that the main reasons for the many bad results of CRM, < a href = ""> customer service training </a> and customer-centric programs are the inability to consider the total customer experience. Before starting any customer relationship improvement program, start by understanding the impact of these customer experience findings. <br> <br>
<b> 1. 95% of senior business leaders believe there is a competitive differentiation factor <a href = " = view & id = 48 & Itemid = 65 "> Customer Experience </a>. </ b> <br>
A study of what the Colin * show's customer experience has revealed in his 2005 book, to revolutionize your customer experience, products and services soon become goods Shorter product cycles, worldwide Commercial, and Internet all leveled the playground. On the Internet, all companies are the size of computer screens. The most effective strategy to gain and maintain a profitable market share is to enhance the customer experience. Whether you build CRM, training, loyalty, or culture, customers can not get in the web self-service world with a personal touch unique customers pursued, paid rewards, and excellent customers Stay with those who provide the experience. <br> <br>
<b> 2. 80% of companies believe to provide a great customer experience. Only 8% of customers agree. </ b> <br>
Harvard-business-review bright companies reported by Mit companies from this statistic <a href=""> Services There is a combination of <a>. Research feedback to get you to enjoy the fun of being is a narrow product-service related feature. The key is to focus on the entire customer experience-on the breadth of the customer's emotions and perceptions, and on the experience with all the customer's contact points and your product, the system, <br> <br>
<b> 3. Only 14% of customers leave for product reasons; 68% leave for bad treatment by employees. </ b> <br>
The strongest determinant of the quality of the customer experience is that the customer perceives your employees and managers to function as their advocacy, and their need, feel your people truly committed to the customer's experience If you are not and you do not have excellent service skills, your customers will leave the door. Train your employees with the skills and attitude of creating a positive customer experience before spending a lot on CRM, loyalty and culture programs. <br> <br>
<b> 4. The company loses 50% of their satisfied customers. </ b> <br>
Satisfaction is not a long-term guarantee <a href=""> customer loyalty </a>. Deeper emotional cohesion is necessary to create long-term loyalty. That emotional bond is formed when the customer experiences a solid relationship with your company and your employees. The customer needs a personal relationship to the company in any interaction-especially interpersonal interaction. Whatever your efforts, the formation of employee training, respect not only serious human relationships. <br> <br>
<b> 5. Only 4% of unhappy customers complain; 90% of non-complainers just go elsewhere. </ b> <br>
It is not easy for anyone who has experience to know the poor service. I would like to insist on giving and confronting a few people. Build feedback opportunities from customers at each point of interaction. "How are we doing?" And "How can we improve?" <br> <br>
<b> 6. The average customer value is 10 times the first purchase. It costs six times to attract new customers, just like saving and existing ones. </ b> <br>
Mass-marketing work. Customer decisions are more personal, embedded in the consumer community, and built on known and credible relationships. Solutions build a complete customer solution to train your employees with the skills to stop the customer leaving, evangelize your products and people <br> <br>
<b> 7. High quality of service companies average 12% ROS and grow 6% a year. </ b> <br>
A 2000 survey by Accenture and Montgomery found that a $ 1 billion company could increase its return on client interaction from average to maximum, making it possible to see a return on investment of $ 420,000 for executives and executives. Your earnings are your experience. <br> <br>
At <a href=""> Customer Focus, Inc. </a> We allow you to turn your front-line employees into customer advocates as CEOs Shows how you can: <a href=""> Customer Experience Owner </a>. By owning href = ""> customer's experience </a>, your employees will be in the long run You can build a full-fledged, trusted bond <a href=""> Customer loyalty </ a >. Through a combination of appropriate skills, attitudes, and developing a sense of personal empowerment and credibility, your employees, as Ceo, do business <br> <br>
<a href=""> Customer-Focus Company </a> is an international <a href = " 35 / "> Customer service training </a> An innovative, world class company <a href=""> customer service skills Building a culture program at a low cost with the building. Contact Steve Fugate: (817) 303-5256 <br> <br>
© Copyright 2007 Customer Focus Inc. <br>
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Seven actions that cause problems with angry customers
Here are seven common mistakes that a well-meaning expert makes when it comes to dealing with unhappy customers. You will learn exactly what you do not like to be positioned to regain the unfortunate customer's goodwill after any service disaster.
It's tough. :
Customer service, difficult customers
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Here are seven common mistakes that a well-meaning expert makes when it comes to dealing with unhappy customers. You will learn exactly what you do not like to be positioned to regain the unfortunate customer's goodwill after any service disaster.
<b> 1. Tell the customer he or she is wrong. </ b> Smart smart customers are also wrong or wrong. They say the wrong person is the opposite and the customers want to fight with you. (Say to your spouse wrong?) "It is also difficult to change people's minds, even under the most benign conditions." If you know your customers are wrong, it's good to start off saying something like "" I thought the contract was read differently but let's look at it. "
<b> 2. Discussion with the customer. </ b> You need to be aware that you can not win the argument with the customer. Certainly, you can prove your points and even have the last word. You may be right, but as long as you are concerned about changing the mind of your customer, you probably are right as if your purpose of gratification is right as if you were wrong It is about keeping customers, not. If you win the debate, you may very well have lost a customer. Think carefully about the responses you give and want to ask yourself, "Resolve the problem, or it just relieves the frustration my anti-my reaction drives my customers further." "I" Argument If so, what price would I pay? "The only way to do the best of the debate is to avoid it.
<b> 3. Tell the customer to settle down. </ b> Sure, calming down can sometimes make each person's life easier, but having your customers calm down is rarely effective. Like you, your customers do not like to be told what to do. Instead, try this approach: "Obviously you're upset and I'm gonna be at this bottom as you are at it"
<b> 4. Failure to apologize to the customer in the wake of the problem. </ b> One of the easiest and quickest ways to spread anger, create intimacy, and regain goodwill with unhappy customers is to apologize. Providing an apology to the customer experiencing the problem should be a natural response from the customer service provider. However, it is surprising that, according to recent research, 50% of customers who have made complaints say that they have never been apologized.
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