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Since wisdom is an art to cope with suffering,


Since wisdom is an art to cope with suffering, it starts with a willingness to work straight. Tsutsu "Tsutsu ...

Small tits. :
Suffering, wisdom, coping, harsh, poetry, human potential, effort, value, happiness

Article body:
Since wisdom is an art dealing with suffering, it starts with a willingness to work straight:

a) Such things are cruelty of our condition, sometimes suffering very or worse, heartlessly.

b) Such is our natural affluence that we can happily or at least calmly learn to live within the limits of this state This is not only us, but also It involves either pursuing a fine goal, resigning itself as achievable or inevitable.

Certainly, as most of their wisdom is still being made, many people suffering are more problematic than suffering. I remember my own past as a young, unfortunate, suicidal man who made up a dark poetry. My negative attitude lacked my functional awareness to mix my difficult conditions and improve both. Today, I feel connected to people who live deeply in a state of darkness in the dark. Even if my words reach only one of them, they are not written in vain.
Recently I found a dark poem reminiscent of me in my younger days. The author Melyssa G. Sprott is a young talented woman, and young people are being addicted by abuse and other sufferings. Her suffering and her talent featured some of her work and urged me to respond. Please note that actively responding to it prove that I am with my help. I am doing my best to give some useful insights.

* * *

The following excerpt is one of the poems of Melyssa and entitled "Descent into the Darkness". "They reveal her sore soul with the simple simplicity of a woman crying for her overwhelming sorrow.


When I was six years old,
My father told me
I was not worthy of breath in the air,
The food I need,
Or you need another thing
When I was six years old,
My father did not want children
Or he wants a holding wife,
So we
For my father's regret.

"You must not tell memory, the mold,"
My mother sings her twisted lullaby.
"Wish for mercy, pray for death,
He is waiting for a breathtaking day.
He will wake you in three in the morning
Beat you without meaninglessly without warning.
No matter how lying, "
My mother sings her twisted lullaby.

I want to bleed forever,
Bleed my sorrow.
I can not bear it
Think about tomorrow.
I want to end a nightmare
I close my eyes to the world.
I begged for death
Because I was a little girl.


How about all this damage
Do you come from such trustworthy lips?

You throw stone-like words.
My heart is breaking the glass.

The key you held is the knife you twist.


Hide everywhere
In the darkness of the night.

Sometimes the only comfort we find
It is in our own pain ....
They are gentle
Abandon all controls.

Suffering takes less courage
It is more than taking it to be content.

I did not choose the path of less traveling
Love, joy, and luck.
I chose another way,
And now I am stuck.

I am a prisoner of the darkness of my eyes.

* * *

Let's take a look at some tough facts not only by Melyssa or mine, but also everyone is part of life and an important fact.

a) Human potential for greatness - big studies and nobility, and large workers - are only matched by the human potential for the inverse. Yes, humans can do, sometimes in other sneaky traits, they have a terrible bad, narrow-minded, black heart. These characteristics may include genetic or environmental factors that are directed towards them but ultimately are personal defects that give them unlimited freedom. Unfortunately, these individuals are the source of suffering not only for themselves, but also for those with compassion. Among their victims are children, women, the elderly or disabled. In fact, even the strongest men can suffer as a result of dropping prey to them. But others are more vulnerable - especially children who make horrible mistakes in making their own responsibility for ignoring or abusing often submitting.

b) In principle, people are not extremely big or bad. They are relatively friendly and helpful - and if you deal with them pretty - and they are incomplete living and decent leads. By saying this, they may be depending on your own Have a heart of. A man may fall in love with a woman who does not care about a whit then about him, and vice versa. A job seeker may wish to hire in his opinion the supplies he will belong to, his supplies to be refused by employers seeing another light thing. These two examples count on the infinite number of possible things proving to the same truth: the wishes of others and your frequent differences, compromise (from the point) or you

c) Positive memos have a certain degree of harmony between natural objectives and human purposes. It is rough that our life is on the earth, we can survive and prosper. But this harmony does not change the fact that both purposes are distinguished and there is always a risk of opposition. Just thinking about it will actually make use of the wisdom of money and the show you have to adapt. At best, harmony works and is limited within narrow limits. Please also consider the number of collisions between natural objectives and human objectives as indicated by any inconvenience, illness or disaster. In short, we are like a relationship with nature some people have with the wild animals they tame with. These animals have a need to provide pleasant pets. Still, they are fundamentally wild

As I pointed out above, wisdom begins with the desire to work straight on life's severe reality. It is the inverse of ignorance, therefore it is exclusive of fantastic bliss with this ignorance. If happiness is possible by wisdom, complete with complete knowledge and acceptance of suspicious coarse reality. By acceptance I do not mean passive resignation towards all the current state of crude. I mean brave preparation to change our situation - perhaps with a number of bad points - to a good account. I can not improve it anyhow.

I said better than to do, not to mention easy. But then it is not about whether happiness is easy; it is good and right, and whether this effort is made as to whether it can be accomplished through sole achievement can be achieved through questions that summarize human freedom is. And surely anyone in their right mind will take an easy option forever leading to vice and misfortune!

Spiritual readers predict the future, but create destiny.

Something spiritual so far is incredibly real imaginable is difficult Is it surprising about your future? Or warning of fear, which outcomes are in the future loading situation? Forecast of whether you knew or not

Small tits. :
Psychic, reading, forecast, ghost, ghost, unforgettable, investigation, future, destiny, Jane Doherty, herb, college, paranormal, metaphysics, sci-fi, dead tenant, tlc

Article body:
Something spiritual so far is incredibly real imaginable is difficult Is it surprising about your future? Or warning of fear, which outcomes are in the future loading situation? Did you know whether to believe the prediction? Sooner or later most of us will be spiritually never used even if you use spiritual leader service or you will ever go to one either

More and more people are seeking answers for their problems through paranormal venues. In addition to challenging our ability to cope in this rapidly changing world, the problems that can not be overcome are experience unknown experiences reported every day. Therefore, if you think that one of these situations will eventually, or not, may drive to seek spiritual services Good cha Do you believe in anticipation of spiritual fate? If so, can you change the future?

I think that the future will be prescribed. Therefore, it can not be changed. That statement is no more than the truth. The fortune-teller does not predict the future. Instead, they predict the probability of the future. The fortune-teller reads the future based on the current pass at the moment of reading. If you decide to take it off the road, the more predicted future is no longer accurate.

Really what is the future? There is no set time that we can actually label and attach as a future. Think about what will happen in time when you read the book page. Before you read the book, the first page is the future. While you are reading it, the page can be described as present. When finishing reading it the page now represents the past. Because it is fluent and constantly moving, the future is not constant.

If the future is not engraved on the stone, why do you go spiritually? Think about prophecies as a mechanism that can provide you clearly conscious and meaningful insight or self-knowledge. For example, a positive forecast may be the motivational power or something that provides what you want. On the other hand, negative forecasts can provide opportunities for you to grow emotionally and spiritually. It allows you to warn you to stop foreseeable problems by taking another course of action.

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