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Sleep in early childhood and childhood.

During infancy.

At the end of this time, however, as it sleeps less often, but each interval of awakening grows long, but for a long period at a time.

This tendency to rest in the early weeks of the infant's life should not be interfered with; however, this period is necessary to bring about a time order of great worrying sleep, before the children's dinner, in the middle of the day And about two hours, have to bring in the habit of sleeping more or less. If you put on the rest in the period after the day, it always causes a bad night.

At first, infants should sleep with their parents. The low temperatures of the body, and the small forces that generate heat, require this. If it needs to happen, however, that the child is upset and restless at night, it needs to be immediately removed to another woman's bed and care, which of course is soon through sleepless nights In order to keep the mother's health going crazy, the infant also gives milk such milk health

When months or half years have passed, children, if healthy, can sleep alone in a cradle or crib, it has enough clothing to be 60 degrees, and the position of the bed itself is cold air It is not like being exposed to the flow of Because the faculties that produce heat, and thus the ability to maintain the temperature, are less during sleep than at any other time, so being exposed to cold is particularly harmful, which is the trueness of a disease that is suspected to have an internal organ firing Under such circumstances, without a source of, it is often the case to be done too. Here, however, often the error is to cover the infant in too many clothes and its bed, on the face that must be protected against the purpose the infant is pure air enough Keep it warm; therefore, it should have free access to its mouth, and the atmosphere throughout the room should be kept warm enough for the child to breathe freely

Children up to two years old should sleep on the feather bed, at least for the reasons mentioned above. The pillow, however, should be made of horse hair after the sixth month, and it is very important that the head should keep calm, in order to start growing teeth at this point


The child should be allowed to sleep for an hour or so before that dinner until the third or fourth year. After this time it may be gradually interrupted; but it is more sleep at the adult's age is required more during the whole childhood period, if it is healthy, it will be gently until the next morning I will sleep. Clear rules, however, can not be laid out in relation to the number of sleeping hours allowed; It wakes up on its own agreement, the next morning morning, and it has not allowed anything to interfere with it until it has enough rest, and then only

The amount of sleep you need to stay healthy depends on your physical condition and your personal habits. Toddlers pass most of their time during sleep. Children sleep for twelve or fourteen hours. The boy generally ten. In young people, the third part of twenty-four hours is spent in sleep. Tsutsutsutsutsu, Tsutsushitsutsutsutsutsu Tsutomu Tsutomu Tsutomu "tsutsu" "tsutsu" Tsutsutsutsutsutsutsukettsutsutsutsutsu "tsutsu" Tsu.

It is cruel that the mother sacrifices the child's health that the mother may be scolded by his vanity, but this is how often it takes to assemble the night party, small That regular part of sleep is thus summarized in this way, so that the child retires to the rest that it can be admired fondled on display, and so on There is little he gets from the excitement of being broken and unrefreshing, and he

You should be encouraged to happen soon to allow yourself to stay awake and stay in bed longer. This is a way of bringing about the habit of getting up early, preventing many serious evils in which the parents are not living well, promoting mental and physical health, and

The child should never awaken suddenly from sleep; it stimulates the brain if it is repeated frequently, hastening the heart action and serious consequences occur. Changes in sleep to awakening should always be gradual.

The bed in which the child sleeps now should be a mattress: at this age the feather bed is always harmful to the child; for the body to sink deep into the bed is completely feathered and then instead the bed was immediately emptied The bed clothes are thrown on the back of the chair while being saturated with the exhalation from the body as it is made in the morning and also the child is in poor health, or has progressed much in life It is also essential not to sleep with people.
Mother's role in combating children's illness.

The mother's special area is disease prevention, not cure. Mothers play a particularly important role in early childhood, when the disease attacks the child, and early childhood should be successful. I refer to those duties that constitute part of the mother's body of disease management.

Medical care takes pain, carefully, and relies heavily on judicious maternal supervision because of its success issues. No medical care can always be helpful, if the direction is only partially performed, or attending negligence; and most definitely completely failed but this remark for childhood and childhood love Is applied with great power; in this period, the disease is generally so sudden on the attack, the means prescribed are tight and rapid in progress if not managed quickly, the exhibition will be completely useless immediately

The amount of suffering can be alleviated, too, by the mother's thoughtful and eye-catching attention. The desires and necessities of a young child must be expected; comfort caused by disease, comfort by kind and affection persuasion; and sick or sensitive child

Here too, but also when he visited his small patient, the direction of medical care in the administration of salvage firm compliance with strict adherence, regimens, ignorant servants or nurses, great attention, medical care Unintended, but if not exercised by an attendant, the actual status of the illness due to false reports of symptoms his judgment may, as a result, be biased in the wrong direction, the result being patient well-being Have a serious negative impact on Medical personnel can not sit time after the time to see the symptoms; hence the great importance of being faithfully reported. This can be done alone by the mother, or an equally competent person.

There are other important considerations here to prove how much you rely on efficient maternal management during illness.

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