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Small business computer consulting properly set fee

Small business computer consultation requires you to set a rate that allows you to make a profit. If your rate rises above $ 100 / hour, you need to move to a larger client for your small business computer consultation.

It's tough. :


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For small business computer consultations, $ 100 can be time-moderate, livable rates. Why can you set your rate at $ 100 an hour make all the difference in the world?

Take $ 100 hours and spend 1,500 hours a year. This reflects an uptime of 75%; or 75% of the typical forty hour work week as billable time. Now you are totaling $ 150,000 a year.

Salaries and affordable prices

As a small business computer consulting company, I would like to take the third in the whole and cultivate sales and marketing. That's why we have an account-executive role in sales for the $ 40,000 base salary we could afford. So, that one third of your gross small business computer consulting income, $ 40,000 can go to base salaries, and $ 10,000 for the associated marketing costs

In addition, a third, most part, take care of tax, insurance, overhead items, and you left to pay salaries of it's third or $ 50,000 technical staff

Over $ 100 hours

Is a small business computer consulting company for over 100 hours. At that point, you can hit what we call a ceiling with a less imaginative hourly bill rate.

Needless to say, if you are paying a small business computer consulting client $ 110 $ 125 hours, it's really bright, motivated, excellent sales and technology

High equal big business

But if you want to meet the time up to $ 100 in your small business computer consulting firm, but you have different business models and technical skill sets

Big work is a completely different business model. And even more polished, dry sales people need to be able to handle those accounts.

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Small Business Computer Consultation: Additional Qualifications for Sweet Spots

Small business computer consulting business is a 10-50 companies, find a customer base "sweet spot" and 1-10 million yen, annual sales. Do small-scale business computer consulting for your ideal customers as described in this article and other Notes Search.

It's tough. :


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In order to find the ideal client for consultation with your small business computer, you want to target the small business by the number of PC's, as well as the income (10 to 50) and generally, anywhere from 1 million income The company that has over 10 million is the sweet spot of small business computer consulting. In this article, learn why you should target this type of business. {Hint: Of course, you are one of Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, or any of the other 21 or more countries in the world to which our training has been applied.>)}

Please be careful about the upper limit of this range
If small businesses get to the top of their income range, they start to have significantly over 50Pc or more than $ 10 million in annual sales, often when small business owners start to run into tough competition . At this point, your clients add invoices for your service and they figure out if it can be done cheaply and more efficiently in-house

Find a client that needs a "real server"
Another important aspect is the small business customers, the "real" dedicated servers they need. Once you have a professional-service you will need a real server that small businesses need. And that's very likely they are just internal gurus and can handle it on their own. It will be bingo but it will be for outsourcing and IT department!

Multiple places are bonus
That sweet spot client gathers in the hall. Many times there are headquarters and several branches. There is usually a huge need for real-time data sharing among employees in different locations, so a branch office can

The point about the small business computer will consult
In this article, you have learned much more about how to find the sweet spot of your small business computer consulting business.

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