Home Based Church-Home Business
It's tough. :
Computer software, cookbook, home management blog
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Hello my name is Pastor Jeff * Earl. I need to "make some tents" because the pastor's small family churches and resourses are limited, so my family and I have our little glue I have noticed over the years I have a product, I think worth the money for the cost, I also do not take away from the province but some food on our table This is what I came up with. I have launched this blog for products I promote. It is also a place where others can freely put their products on this blog
A single mom's guide to home improvement
I think that's my way of handling (or not handling) the home improvement quite typical for a single woman who owns her home. Hopefully, my experience will help to operate the water for reconstruction.
It's tough. :
Female, single mom, home improvement, repair, home maintenance, home improvement
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"Tsatsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsu", "tsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsu" "tsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsusu I was a single mom (and that!) Both challenging and rewarding, but I have a home to call myself so far with my son and I Know that it was the best thing that happened to
When I bought it, my house was ten years old and it was in good condition. Still, as time went on, various problems arose. I think that's my way of handling (or not handling) the home improvement quite typical for a single woman who owns her home. Hopefully, my experience will help to operate the water for reconstruction. Here is what I learned:
1. You can go the place with good books and toolboxes. Christmas of the year I moved in, my sister and brother-in-law gave me a toolbox filled with basics: Screwdrivers, wrenches, hammers, nails, basics and they also basic to me He gave me a book on home repair. This is a small home improvement project that expresses awareness and sense of things that don't need gifts or literal tools. My advice: Invest in some tools and use a book or online source to guide you through the scheduled maintenance your home requires.
2. Ask for advice. Now as a single woman who is 49 years old and has limited knowledge of the more complex reconstruction problems, I am always afraid that I will be taken advantage by the repair company My air conditioner is a day of 100 plus degree For example, when I really needed a new unit, I had no way of knowing when out on conked. To get their impression-beyond their collective knowledge mine-I learned to call on neighbors, family, friends. They steered me in the right direction on many occasions.
3. Keep the tab of the neighbor. All the houses in the immediate vicinity of me were built by the same architect at about the same time. Getting to know my neighbors and talking to them about home improvement gave me a sense of what to plan. For example, two years ago, I came to see that the house around me was starting to get a new roof. I did not have a leaky roof, but a few months ago I decided to re-roof. In addition to the cost of the new roof, I did not get stuck at the cost of repairing the drywall because I wanted to be aggressive.
4. Ask for referrals and then check them yourself. With the introduction of my neighbors, I can find great roofers, impeccable exterior house painters, and people with much harder tiles. But I do not just rely on their words. I always-repeat and always-my condition contractor's license board and better visibility to check their license to check their past complaints I get all the quotes in writing and insurance proof I ask.
5. Do not put your head in the sand. There were multiple opportunities when I chose not to address home improvement issues, and I have always regretted it. I knew, for example, that there was dry rot on the outside of my fireplace. Unfortunately, letting go of it costs a lot more than if I dealt with it immediately.
6. Make a list. This last bit of advice is basic, but important. Start and maintain a home improvement list. As a single mom, it gets caught at the hectic pace of everyday life and is too easy to allow the regular maintenance of the house to fall by the roadside. My long-term list is my own, and my long-term list is The short and medium term lists keep me motivated while I help save the money needed for high value goods.
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