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Smart Marketing Inventors Chapter 1 Why Inventions Protected.

Are you confused about how to protect your inventions and benefit from it? Ten items in this series were asked the most commonly asked questions by the inventor for patent-selling primers.

Topics covered in this series include: 1) Why protect your inventions first; 2) Turn your inventions into marketable products;

A must-read for the inventor at all experience levels.

It's tough. :
Patent, patent, inventor, invention, invention, invention, invention, invention, patent pending, patent pending, invention of license, invention of license, assignment, assign, inventons, patent attorney, patent agent, US s Patent Office , United States Patent Office, ibm patent server, u. s Patent, European Patent Office, Patent and Trademark Office, Patent and Trademark Office, IBM Patent Search, Patent Application, Patent Attorney, Patent Office US, Patent, Patent Search, Independent Inventor, Trademark, Patent, US Patent Office, US Patent and Trademark Agency,,

Article body:
If you do not protect your invention by patent application, anyone can steal your invention and benefit from itself.

Patent applications do not offer the benefit of patent protection, but it does make use of, offer for sale, sell, or import inventions in countries where patents are issued

If you have applied for a patent on it, you can mark your product as "patent pending" or "patent pending".

The actual date of filing, the type of patent application, and the claims filed know all the potential copiers of your invention, so your patent

If you reveal your patent application that it is only your provisional patent application, or that it is a design patent application, that is the potential of your invention

The underline is an invention that protects the content of the "patent attorney" or "patent-agent" who consults in a timely manner!

My Review,

Bryan-R-Rave Esq
Tsutsutsu Tsuitsu.

Visit soon for business etc. for smart blog!

Today's largest companies are taking blogs really seriously. While they are not sitting, it is not about reaping the benefits of the rest of the world. Successful business people are intelligent. They know how blogging can connect people. It is a business built easily and cheaply, with its own organization within the blog. If you are interested in how to do blog work for your business and how to get visitors to your blo. ..

It's tough. :

Article body:
Today's largest companies are taking blogs really seriously. While they are not sitting, it is not about reaping the benefits of the rest of the world. Successful business people are intelligent. They know how blogging can connect people. It is a business built easily and cheaply, with its own organization within the blog. If you are interested in how to do a blog job for your business and how to get visitors to your blog, these ideas

Feel good casual casual in the business for blogging when creating the best of. When doing this, provide a solicitation site for someone to provide input while looking to know what you are doing. Also, I will set up a professional company that may become a professional business by looking at the blog. You will need to maintain a casual relationship through blogs that can not be visited. People will only visit your blog if they feel welcome. Your blog will be successful if you feel welcomed by creating a cozy environment where they can contribute.

Make sure that the colors you use are attractive and that the layout is efficient. Provides a bit of information about news related to your business and your company. If you want to solve the problem of things, you need it immediately. You from the company president or boss to let everyone know that everyone in your business is taking blogs seriously to get things started

Create a new plan

One of the things that big companies are doing involves not only employees on their blogs, but also consumers. By allowing employees and consumers to log in to blogs to give company ideas for new products and plans, the company wisely innovates others from the idea that they know about their resource smart company -It is a team. They know that consumers are a great place to look for ideas. Consumers use the product most, so they can know exactly what they want. Instead of a company that needs to guess what consumers want, they will hear it straight from their mouth.

Answer to a question

Another way A successful company is using blogs by letting it be used within the company wall to solve problems. Instead of using a specific problem-solving team, everyone involved in the product can speak out of their opinions and solutions. This is great for businesses and the fastest way to solve problems. This kind of arena could be a problem for drawing visitors. Many employees are not willing to post their thoughts freely. And that option is one of the barometric pressure so that anonymous posting is unthinkable. If employees don't tag their names with posts, you may be surprised to get the most useful posts from the mailroom or cleaning staff.

Building team's morale

The team's morale is a fantastic idea to build an employee in the blog. To get your employees to visit this type of blog, all you teach about it. There is an important bit of information to announce that this blog. That way, they often visit it if they think that they will miss their important information. Having them post information is a great way to stay up to date on the new marriage, birth, and other important aspects of your employee's life. 'S blog is informal communication here.

If you're taking your business to the next level in your blog, consider these tips before you get started. Decide what type of blog is best for your business. Also determine the look and quality of your blog. The area to be displayed is displayed. Some people want to have a quality such as a table. Also remember, though, keep in mind by accident only by using simple words and posting things with conversational tone of writing. If you do these things, you will soon see how positive the business blog can have in your company.

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