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Social concern of home schooling

Social skills are an area of ​​deep concern when it comes to
Homeschooling Many critics need human beings to polish
His social skills, home schooling environment where society
Interaction is harmful to his growth is limited,
development of. Even studying it is wrong.

Children enter a competitive school environment
I lack confidence to hold a conversation. Such children
I do not consider almost real attention to topics of conversation
Know how to interact with people of different age groups,
Especially their elders.

A child learning at home is aware of its implications
The purpose of their learning. They ask intelligent questions
We will make accurate observations Children begin their own lives
Imitate their parents. Homeschooling children
They see the parents' sterling qualities up. other
Hands, they are protected from their harmful influences

Tools that this kids need for better equipment
Face the world. Positive reinforcement done
In the home schooling environment it is not abandoned,
Improve ignorance in embarrassing or normal school environment
Their pride. Children will be better balanced
It is rounded as they become adults.

Home schooling record

Meetings to deal with frequently and topics that will rise in the forum
Homeschooling and keeping records. Importance of recording
Maintenance can not be ignored. That alone is not legally required
Various conditions are important milestones
Child learning experience. Tsutsu niece "Tsutsu" Tsubu
Approach means that the research topics are much more extensive,
It is diverse. I think that it is over, like this, "Challenge
School district's quarterly report, when it is difficult
It is to classify learning as neat

Records management is important as well as regulation.
It is also an exciting way to record and document learning
Child's process. Most of the learning was done through, through
There is no clear cut index on topics that you need to play with
The parent is covered to maintain some sort of logs and it is necessary
This will record the progress of the child.

Easy everyday journal only with record of,
Participating in Software Progress
Group, perhaps the form and requirement is set. But even so,
Tracking daily work makes reporting easy and efficient.

There are various recording methods used in various ways
Home school is some more popular one:

This can be maintained by the teacher or student. this is
Basically I am aiming to maintain logs of what I learned
I did. Record memorable events that occurred during the course of
The year is a great way to remember later.

Daily planner:
Lay out planning and weekly assignments for teachers.
Notes of the plan. Check items are taken. To maintain
Another area where you can record any additional stuff. this is
Includes educational travel, visits and videos etc. Extra
Covered topics are also recorded in this area. .
Summary Quarterly.

Tsutsu "Tsutsu:
This is made up of a collection of various materials indicating what
The child achieved and completed in the process of study.
Portfolio evaluation is a very effective way to children's charts
It's a progress It's loose at others, it gives a structure even though it's flexible
School education form called home schooling. The drawing portfolio
The best possible thought as a painting or sketch
In that quarter. The language portfolio consists of essays,
Stories, reading - logs, spell samples and letters. Tsutsu
Mathematics, art, history, science, sociology
All are recorded like this. The biggest advantage is that the portfolio
Evaluation places control in the hands of children. Have
Concrete record of what they are establishing them to eggs
Larger height.

Besides the above system it is also purchased
Keep a record of the system that spreads a good checklist. Several
We are leaving these to the personalization organizer. regardless of
The method used is one form or another record
necessary. Your child's future may depend heavily
Maintain what you hold with extreme care keeping it on
For many years


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