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Something that attracts music business by Six Sigma.

This article explains the concept of Six Sigma's quality as it applies more specifically to the music industry, as it applies to today's musicians. Articles delineate the importance of quality programs and stimulate with the possible benefits that such programs have on musicians' careers.

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Music Production, Music Promotion, Music Marketing, Music Distribution, Music, Band, Musicians, Music

Article body:
Six - Sigma? What mathematical terms in statistics probably have to do with music? Well, I was able to bore you with a long answer on statistical advantages.

Six Sigma wants the quality, service, and your customers and "audience" come back for more and your audience come back for much.

More spectators will come back to see you;
• Lots of your music to buy.
• We are selling concert tickets.
• More promotion items you sell.
• You fill in more venues.
• More publications you get.
• More money you get!

Of course, your audience wants to come back for more! Every musician is highly praised for music. I will do more than the album and concert ticket I'd like to sell every musician.

So what about Six Sigma? Use Six Sigma technology to give you a clear understanding of what your customers expect. It is to secure customers and audience who helped to distinguish between them.

Do you mean changing your music to accommodate the Six Sigma masses? Of course not! Your music is your creative essence. The key to success is not to change your music to suit the wrong audience Keys reach and reach the right audience Where, when, when and where to find

Do you really know who your customer is? Can you tell me where they came from? How did you find out? Already, is it music, work?

Almost all musicians and bands I meet always say the same thing! "Of course, we are still seeking to find out what the audience is asking for" is still a bar! "When I asked for details, I always got the same answer! "I do not know".

The key to the success of music is to know who your audience is and how to reach them. Where will you find gods gospel singers, audiences highly appreciated your music, in the most likely church or jazz bar? I know, I made it a bit obvious, but I am relieved that it is not necessarily clear.
Ok, I said Six Sigma means quality! What does it mean? In general terms it means that out of Six Sigma 1,000,000, there is a defect in the occurrence of more 3.4. From the point of view of the music industry, it may mean that:
• Every three thousand people listen by every 1,000,000 people!
• We conduct 1,000,000 concerts each and sell all three kinds!
• Every 1,000,000 albums are sold every 3 albums purchased by 3 customers.

Do I have to go up? I think you have quite a thought! Think about the possibilities. A large audience full of people who are very happy and "customers". How much money is worth? That kind of heart will be far away!

Okay, I know, the next question is always "Why just 3, why 4, 5, or 100 to 1,000, it is still a very small proportion of the total?

Yes it is true, it is a common mistake that frequently anyone in the enterprise can make. The key to understanding this is to realize that it is impossible to measure opportunities actually lost. Concert I have left one of you, I feel bad, but in the label of expression, it is a large album.

Companies many years ago targets the three sigma level of quality. This translates into about 2,700 defects per million. Applied to the case and born in other process.
* Modern computers will not work
* 270 million wrong credit card transactions
• Do not think about getting on an airplane!

I think you are probably getting the point. The things to consider is this. If you listen to your music and 999,997 want to hear more, how much money will you earn!

The root of Nirvana

All bands start thinking, at least bit, of other musicians who would like to rebel against what they will take after. But Nirvana was the first great band of real music snobs: they listened and just wanted to make it very clear Records Genie.

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Article body:
All bands start thinking, at least bit, of other musicians who would like to rebel against what they will take after. But Nirvana was the first great band of real music snobs: they listened and just wanted to make it very clear Records Genie. They all loved Zep, Aerosmith, CCR, Black Sabbath and Kiss and led Zep on it. However, in most cases, Kurt Cobain and Krist Novoselic grew as Pacific Northwest punk rock kids. They needed to define their position in relation to the K record and the Olympia scene according to the situation hanging in Melvins in Aberdeen, Washington, and with Flipper (Dave Grohl had about the same experience as growing up in the DC area. Every Chang Kurt who wore a t-shirt gained to open for their Nirvana, they got their favorite band, when they hit the big time lost his beloved Raincoats I supervised the reissue of my work.

If there remains ambiguity as to whether Nirvana considered their ancestors, it is all laid out in Kurt's journal. Some discs rise again and again in the pantheons of music Kurt: Some are warhorses of multiplatinum (to meet Beatles, Aerosmith stone), others are hopelessly ambiguous (Fang Land Shark, Terror's Self Tight Most of them are worth investigating for those who love Nirvana, however noteworthy America from the 1980s, though slowly throwing with some artier European post punk records and the unavoidable Leadbelly album: these Is not a raw material that Cobain, Novoselic and Grohl have turned into gold, but aims for the band.

Best of Leadbelly
Artist: Lie belly
Release date: 2003

Nirvana played their painful cover of Leadbelly, "where did you sleep last night?" (A.ka "In The Pines") at MTV Unplugged, it still headed for course Bruce Brad very strongly through the lock vein. It looked like an unexpected gesture.In fact, but Kurt did not seem to have been to vintage blues in general - he just scolded relentlessly Leadbelly (and screams before) Tree This collection is "a king of the twelve string guitar," miraculously pulling on fun music out of his personal horror is a solid introduction into the roar of former Kon.

Tsuneo Utsunobu Hot Soto Hotsu Tsuzetsu Organizer Costume
Artist: The Pixies
Release date: 1988

Kurt invoked some of Pixies' favorite tricks, this 1988 album "the die - cast metal fossil from a spacecraft." Steve Albini's Drumstick - Two - Your skull's engineering work pretty obviously hires him for being in the uterus too, but most of what Nirvana got from Pixies was an attitude: off balance While keeping one foot, feeling shouting while closely controlling

To the edge
Artist: Wipers
Release date: 1983

The top 50 list of Kurt - "Because it is a wiper in Portland, Oregon according to other albums, is the truth in detail ?, American youth and above the 1983 edge Singer - Guitar monster - Greg - sage band, From vigorously crashing and deeply into its own alienation - and independent management of the music business machine - both in front of the Pacific Northwest of Nirvana and the Hall both finally covered the songs of the wiper from this album , Young ", could be misunderstood as Cobain original very easily

Single 1-12
Artist: Melvins
Release date: 1997

If it was a punk rock kid in Aberdeen, Washington state in the mid 1980's, Melvins was it: they entered their hardcore with cruel metal, they scorchingly faster they also messed up their recording I had the tricks to do things and the single 1996 series collected here is a bacterium, flipper and ba

Of an artist
Release date: 1988

In some respects, Kurt is Olympia's K Records, the flagship band 's beat is going on, and never fits the "love - rock" scene around them - not much of the 1988 Jamboree, Obviously his favorite beat * happening * record, half pastel nostalgia, half * savage dread, finally screeching noise

Bayeux country
Artist: Creedence Clearwater Revival
Release date: 1969

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