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Stretch to avoid low back pain

Stretch exercises thus promote fluid and blood flow and it stretches muscles, joints, bones, etc., so it's a great way to avoid back pain. Stretch workouts include shoulder scoop, triceps, arms, legs, trunk, torso, and other stretches. Helps to avoid pain and discomfort in the neck, shoulders and lower back, but this few physical trainings are maintained by the muscles that you can stretch.

Starting from the shoulders, stand upright. Rest your hand on the waist and shrug your shoulders. Rotate your shoulders in slow motion and count back to 10 counts. Then, perform the same action.

Work of triceps:
The triceps is an extensor and must stretch to avoid tension. Stand upright and lift the arm (right) and place the tip of your finger on the shoulder. Use your free hand (right) and press it on the opposite elbow. If possible, hold your elbow and lower your finger to your back length. Count to eight and perform the same action on the other side.

Next, reach out to them. Form a circle. First, stand upright while keeping your feet in shoulder length. Keep your arms horizontal and stretch outwards to fit your shoulders. Bring your arms forward with the circle. Count to ten and perform the same action on the other side. Circulate the arms mainly as possible.

Work the torso now. Stand and stand, turn your legs gradually on your shoulders (start from the waist) and extend it to one side. Stretch forward and move your body on the other side. It extends back and forth again on the opposite side. Go to each side.

Work that trunk:
Stand and stand, keep your feet slightly apart from your shoulders. I bend my knee a little. Lock your fingers behind the head, start at the waistline, touch the right knee and bend it to the right elbow. Then rotate the torso or torso to the left and touch the left knee. Extend back to you and stand upright again.

Once you stand upright and move slightly, bend your legs and knees slightly. Lift your arm to your shoulder height and hold your hand while turning to the side, starting from the waistline. Hold, count to five, and do the same on the other side. Next, only you move around the top of your body and keep your hips and legs.

Stand and stand while stretching your hands on both sides. Bend the knee somewhat and lift the arms gradually, as long as you can reach over the head. Slowly, slide your free arm into the leg and pull the arm to reach over the head. Then press down on the thighs back to the standing position. Go to the other side and do three reps.

Keep your legs long on your shoulders and stand upright. Bend the elbow at the height of your shoulders. Join your fingertips and gently stay at the height of your shoulders and throw your arms towards your back. Continue to act on each side, counting more than a dozen as you move together.

to continue:
Stand and stand, hold your hand, join them and stretch behind your back. Raise your hand up so you can reach. Stand up and stand and keep your feet at shoulder length. While raising your arms to the height of your shoulders, bend your knees somewhat and lock your fingers. In position Push your arms forward, Do not lean front to stretch and count ten Count to five and perform the same action.

Stretch and back pain

Stretch to avoid back pain
I feel pain and discomfort in the neck, shoulders and waist with minimal stretching. Stretching your back promotes healthy joints, muscles, bones, and connective tissue. Stretching is the act of expanding the muscles, making them straight. Various types of stretch workouts lay back and rest. When doing a stretch workout, however, make sure that you perform the action correctly.

Stretching workouts include backstretch. Please stand upright to stretch your back. Hold your hands, join them and stretch them behind your back. Then raise and extend your hands as your body will allow. Review deleted

Stand and stand and keep your feet shoulder length. Bend the knee slightly to lock the finger and raise the arm to the shoulder height. Push the arms forward while avoiding tilting backwards.

Next, stretch your hips. Sit on the floor or place your hand on the mat and side. Note: This exercise should be avoided if the doctor advises serious after injury, or pain.

In position, lay flat on your back. Lift the leg a little and stretch it over your head. If possible, extend backwards until your toes touch the ground behind you. Count five.

Now, flatten on the floor, mat, etc. and lift the upper area of ​​the body. Keep your hands tight on hard surfaces and use them for support. Keep the arms straight and stretch slowly while lifting the jaws and head.

If your back is hurt, lay flat on a hard surface, if your back allows, and release arms and muscles above your head as long as you can reach out while stretching your legs. What a great way to reduce back pain!

Additional stretching exercises help reduce back pain and avoid future back pain. Let's do some creative measures to prevent physical training. Training includes side, skiing, knee flexion and more. Give it a turn!

Near standing, supporting surfaces, like a chair, if standing up. Lift the legs at a right angle and support the legs in a chair. Lower your leg and go to the other side.

Next, bend the knee. Lift your legs and place them on a hard surface such as a chair. Straighten the other leg and use it as a support.

Hold your stance and count to ten. Lower the leg and proceed to the other leg. Ski now. Standing position. Extend one leg forward and the other back. Rush and gradually lower your body weight. Bend your front legs and gain weight. Keep the back leg straight and lift the heel off the ground and move it to the other leg.

You can continue stretching exercises to minimize pain. Workouts to continue include the adductor muscles, groin stretch, hip rotation, gluteals, hamstrings stretch and so on. The more these muscles are stretched, the less pain there is. You also need to stretch your quadriceps, calf, etc. to avoid injury and back pain. After you finish stretching, you can learn how to protect the synovial joint.

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