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taxi! Consultant who can learn from taxi driver

What lessons do you learn from a consultant who can drive a taxi? How are they similar and how are they different? No matter what the driver of the "cab" came by different passengers!

It's tough. :

Consulting, sales strategy, network, interpersonal relationship, success consultant

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I drive a taxi like most consultants. Perform taxi driving. They throw the luggage into the trunk (which is a $ 1.00 bag charge). It's not a personable. If you have extra passengers, it's $ 1.50 each on mileage. No smoking. And the radio is tuned to your favorite station.

Most consultants meet by time or day. The meter is running When you need a special report or attend an on-site meeting, you have your bag charge. Hire someone other than a personable person. If you need additional work, facilitation or expertise, there is a "fee on the mileage." And, in most cases, you are trapped in their "radio station".

What if you come across a taxi driver's dramatically different kind? Call him Ike

1. Ike has his personal mobile phone number like a strap, a rocket logo and his own business card, with a humorous tagline. Let's wait a minute! His taxis Your first impression is , He may be direct and most importantly fast.

2. Furthermore, Ike is a great audience. This is in contrast to some "real character" taxi drivers, who are great speakers.

3. Take pride in getting an Ike credit card and spin it inside a Visa, American-Express Decal. Credit card (Taxi companies do not subsidize this fee – it's up to the individual driver to decide whether to accept a credit card. But it also allows him to do business easily – And by chance, you are more likely to get nice tips.

4. Ike offers forward suggestions. For example, when a passenger asks Ike for a recommendation of a good restaurant, he offers in his mind some of his favorite places and the restaurant Ike on the front seat of the taxi to take his passengers to the restaurant He will also come back to the appointed time to save the trouble of tracking another taxi, and he will never be late. What are the benefits of Ike in the future? Of course Ike passengers? Of course some taxi drivers refuse to come back at set times, afraid of losing a juicy fare or a long ride that may not come together. bet.

5. When picking up or dropping out of the airport, Ike always finds a little bit about his passengers. Is this his first time in town? How long is his visit? If Ike finds that his passengers come for business, do not have any time to see the sights or experience the city, he points out the highlights of downtown and a little history Now sharing some stories, Ike's got the real taste of the city he loves and his passengers back to his way This is the trick to add 10 minutes to a meter? With some cabinets, it may be. However, Ike's passion and knowledge and enthusiasm to share it with his passengers can not be forged. Do your friends do the same for you in your way of town? Absolute! .

Let's focus on the consulting lessons. Feel free to compare the tips of Cong with lessons from the taxi business.

1. Successful consultants are separated in form and in substance. Sales trainers, consultants, and the author Jeffrey Gitomer have to present his image and contact information (and "Sell" on sales as well as remembering of people like us at his business card Your first impression may be that he is successful, funny, creative, and different than all the other "I too" sales trainers

2. I am a consultant for success. They are deep listeners. Use "listeners" to match or mirror "active-listening" like surface tricks and techniques. "Deep listeners listen with no agenda. Your listening focus is – literally" feel "with the customer-and should be empathy to understand the problem behind the problem. "I am interested in the mind from now on, I will improve the condition of the customer. In order to have a deep understanding, you will be seeking real value as well as the customer.

3. Successful consultants are easy to do business. The world's best consultant, Alan Weiss, says a million dollars consultation in his book, "You have to spend money to make money." Some of that money makes you do business easily It should be spent on what can be done. These things are almost self-explanatory, accept credit cards, 800 numbers etc. And some of these things are the main investments in time, effort, thinking, and energy. According to such as designing a resource-rich web presence or moving to a value-based pricing, people are concerned about when they strike on the time clock and

4. Make positive proposals for successful consulting. Flexibility is a source of strength. So is the forward movement. When consulting with large organizations, it is "easy to get into their trap of analytical paralysis." "Close to customers, especially with all the hype around." Danger for consultants who are too close to customers Is that you will fall into the same quicksand you have brought to save them from! Keep moving and always provide options. "Plan A or B or C" is as easy as, but giving choices always strengthens collaboration and provides a common sense of responsibility for the outcome And it's hard to say "no" chocolate Or vanilla or strawberry? "Ideally, it is delicious to say that your client". And you are in a position to make recommendations based on your deep listening (see # 2! )

5. Successful consultants work from passion, knowledge, and enthusiasm to help. The irony of this is to have a job for easier and effortless consultants, larger value customers. For the consultant, the intersection of pleasure and business is called profit. Marketers, speakers, and authors Seth Godin get money faster with any business relationship you think. This has interesting implications for consulting businesses where knowledge and expertise (and even some conversations) have financial value.

I happen to believe in the concept of value first sale. You will receive a request for the resources you need as valuable information for your customers. "Wow is this person goldmine. Imagine what would happen if I hire him."

Many of the sales and consulting professionals now call this "spill candy in the lobby" and they strongly recommend it. Also, I am developing a technology related to it-a sweet potato. But without boasting, I was among the great consultants (people who work at the intersection of passion and knowledge and willingness to support), we said that we are a true candy shop

Help your friends with your knowledge and expertise? Surely you are. Maybe the customer is simply a friend who pays money? Think about it.

Beep, Beep "Hop!"

Targeted traffic is the secret for a good sale!

How to get targeted traffic

It's tough. :

Target traffic jam, traffic, marketing, internet marketing, home business

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What does the targeted traffic consist of?

To the people of the Internet, as it is provided by the website, the target traffic is called your website

What traffic does your website visit?

You will be visiting:

   * People who searched for other kinds of products and services and got there by mistake
   * People looking for things similar to those you offer at your site
   * People looking for what they have to offer

You must certainly try to avoid the first group visits, and encourage people in the second and third groups

You may buy products from affiliate programs offered on your website, even when not trying to buy your product

And the third group is going to get to your website of offerings and perhaps the desire to find one from you

Targeted traffic visits your website, but if your offerings are sensitive, give them a reason to return to your website a day

You may hear that what you need to do a good business with the Internet is traffic, a ton of traffic. The traffic you need to provide a place like the one you need to travel.

There is no need for any visitors, so qualified or targeted visitors should respond with a positive attitude and what to say on your site

First, untargeted traffic?

Yes you can, but it takes you much more money and time to do it.

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