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Ten ways to use your strengths, gifts, talents and abilities in retirement


I have to be honest with you, the biggest human failure is that you can not judge your own personal strengths, gifts, talents and abilities now if you like most people, you Use your plenty of time to identify your weaknesses and spend all your time trying to overcome these deficiencies. This is very harmful to our spirit and takes it completely away from your strengths and talents. If you've done all this life, it's time to stop now! Be a success. ..

It's tough. :

Retirement, retirement, aging, retirement lifestyle, happy retirement

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I have to be honest with you, the biggest human failure is that you can not judge your own personal strengths, gifts, talents and abilities now if you like most people, you Use your plenty of time to identify your weaknesses and spend all your time trying to overcome these deficiencies. This is very harmful to our spirit and takes it completely away from your strengths and talents. If you've done all this life, it's time to stop now! Being an average of successful retirees learning how to use your strength, gifts, talents and abilities. In this article, we will discuss proven tips for leveraging your ability:

• Recognize your ability – First of all, what you have to do is to recognize your ability and dismiss the inadequacy. You must recognize your strengths, gifts, talents and abilities. Believe in your 'true self' and find what is truly your "unique call." We become special talents.

• Force to take on specific unique strengths. For example, if you pursue carpentry as a career or as a hobby, your strength can be the eye for detail, precision, and creativity. There are also molds after this-this feature around the retirement career.

* Be convinced and proud of your strength-it is a natural tendency to underplay your strength. After all, no one wants to be "brute," but retirement is a time of conviction and bragging. You have achieved so much in your life and now it is time to leverage your skills. So it's okay to give a small tap on the back. By leveraging your strengths, you will achieve all your goals and help others in your path.

• Retirement Strengths around Life – We have a life of recognition ability, talent, ability, retirement plan. We propose our own technology and human resources. Perhaps pursue a 'second' career after retirement or volunteering opportunities. The possibilities are endless. Just being open and accepting, you can get a feeling of fullness and a sense of accomplishment.

• Find new goals-. Because you have time in your hands, really think about your goals and aspirations. What is it that you want to achieve in your life? Change your dream or child, teen? Are you still the same interest you did 20 years ago? How can you make your dream come true?

* Start a business – Today, retirees are better educated and skilled. Use your knowledge and skills to start a business or non-profit organization. Not only will you use your talent in a great way, but you will make a significant contribution to the world.

• Other Education-Education-Coaching is a special talented person, someday alone. Conducts adult education classes and tutoring students.

* Re-education-Reeducate yourself. Since the learning began as a lifelong process, it is assumed that the newly built retirement year increases. Learn new skills and brush up this time and rust.

• Community Service – A volunteer service that pays. For example, a retired carpenter could possibly make a crib for a teenage pregnancy shelter.

• Currently, we will stay active in Japan. There is a deacon that people who are in a political place to take advantage of can use it as their own campaign.

In conclusion, everyone has special gifts and talents that can be used to make the world a better place. Even if they were previously hidden or dormant, retirement is the time to harness and pursue them.

Ten Ways to Prepare for Your Next Interview


You need to be prepared for an interview to prepare a great meal

It's tough. :

Work, career, interview

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Interviews require preparation, like preparing a large meal. Get good ingredients and give yourself time. Prepare the food on the plate to make the meal attractive. All of these go into a great meal. Taking the time to prepare for the interview will give you a huge foot of completion.

1. We established a system that works at the schedule interview. Are you morning? Why do you accept the 6 pm interview? If you do the best in the afternoon, do not accept early morning appointments. If you need to be aware of their blood sugar, try to schedule your appointment from time to time when you are at your peak. If you are under pressure, accept less than an ideal time, avoid an interview before a snack "is as follows." Avoid overeating.

2. Give yourself extra time to reach your office. There are a few things worse than getting to an interview late.

3. Arrive at the office building 7-10 early minutes. If it's summer, you'll want to wait in the lobby to cool down; You do not want your first impression of someone formed by shaking a cold hand. It will take a few minutes in the lobby to get focused on what you will say. Through the acquisition of a few minutes the tiled corridors will really be the arrival interview time to make you feel tasteful.

4. I'll meet the proper self-introductions. "" My name is ____________ and I'm interviewing 1:30. ________________. "

5. If you can not hang coat, if you accept, drink, drink. You do not have to drink coffee or tea. Soda, bottled water and water are fine. Thanks for the help The decline in offerings may be rude in some cultures.

6. Take your seat to face the maximum number of entrance points in the room, as you can see someone approaching you. Surprise is not a good way to start a meeting.

7. You will also be able to complete, complete and accurate. Please attach your resume and do not write. "The application is a legal document and the inability to complete it correctly is the basis for the termination.

8. If you are not sure about the month you started your job or your strict salary, write "approximately" (about for the word) next to the item. If asked, be absolutely sure of the exact month and show that everyone wants to be deceived. Obviously, if you can check your salary or start date before the interview, yes; for some people, it is impossible to judge the date or salary

9. Write as readable (or as readable as possible). This may be the twelfth application you have completed, but it is your first thing they have seen. In many occupations, a failure is considered a defect.

10. Hear your name announced, stand, smile, shake your interviewer's hand and immediately size them as a person. They are smart (or not). Aggressive (or not). If you meet this person socially, I will make sure that your instinct is right. Unfortunately, people think that interviews are important, so they need to feel the interviewer. That is a mistake. Your hard and fast impressions will be formed during the next sufficient which will be difficult to change. If you tend to be right in social situations about the people you meet, trust in your instincts, too, with the professional ones.
Using these steps as a checklist will start better than your competition. What you do after that is up to you. Do your best. .
Posted: Muhammad-Sadik-Jabed-Sameers
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