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Terrible teens-dealing with autistic teenagers

Terrible teens-dealing with autistic teenagers

For most parents, one of the most tried time in their lives is during their child's teen years. When adolescence comes, young adults experience serious changes in their body and mind, and parents have little or no control over many situations. In autistic children, adolescence is no different. Your autistic child has not experienced adolescence in exactly the same way as any other his or her age, but major hormonal changes still occur in the body. The extreme result of this is that this must be defined as good or bad by the child's response to new hormone levels.

One of the most horrific side effects of autistic body changes is the onset of seizures. Although many individuals with autism experience entrapment during adulthood from birth, even if your child does not suffer from these episodes, he or she has an interior that is clean of the body's wonders, etc. , I think that the attack that shakes the violence is necessarily a bad thing. Although a quarter of most autistic children experience seizures, they are not detected because they are not textbook versions of seizures. If you realize that your child is experiencing a seizure, you can do something about it and the doctor better treats your child but if the seizure is happening unconsciously, you And your child may not recognize it. The consequences of these small hidden seizures can be devastating, especially if your child has improved before adolescence. Therefore, regular adolescent screening is very important.

A change may not necessarily be a bad thing. The new hormone levels of the body and other changes associated with adolescents have improved your child's behavior, learning in the social environment, and many parents to areas where he or she was not normally interested in technology or It is reported to be easier.

The important thing about adolescents is to monitor your child's changes very carefully and learn to ask your doctor for more of a question. Remember that adolescence is a difficult experience for any young adult. Try to practice your teen's patience and understanding so that the transition from child to adult will go smoother and willing to adjust his / her autism
Power of Music-Music Therapy to Treat Autism

Music therapy is a relatively new treatment for patients with autism, but it should not be overlooked when discussing options. Patients who receive music therapy often need significant improvement in temperament and learning skills. Music leads to the non-verbal part of our brain and is the perfect treatment for disorders such as autism where patients have problems with communication. If you are looking for some help with autism and do not have much luck in the past, then research this innovative treatment.

Music therapy is effective because it can be used in combination with learning social skills. Music is a very threat free medium for patients, and many games can use music to improve social and behavioral skills. By encouraging eye contact while using songs and instruments that need to get close to the face, music therapy allows autistic individuals to break social barriers

Music therapy is the number one method that can help children as well as old autistic patients is to help develop voice skills. Music is a way to combine verbal and non-verbal features of the brain. There are various forms of autism personal speech problems. Some can make hum, isaki, or other non-word noises, others will inspire nonsense phrases and screams. Still others, although they usually lack emotions, gain the ability to put phrases and sentences together to communicate with the world. People with autism are known for their monotonous voices. However, no matter how skilled an individual speaks, he attends music therapy by hitting the rhythm, humming, or playing a simple echo song.

Individuals with autism are generally good at music. Some, for example, have an absolute tone. Others can do a certain instrument very well, including little instructions. Music therapists in this kind of music with music that exceeds his / her other abilities particularly difficult to cope with autism, even if he or she does not show genius musical ability by normal standards As a way to link learning with other types of learning, not only speech development and social behavior development as discussed previously, but also emotions.

By using all of these techniques, along with each other, musical therapy can work wonders with people with autism. Trained professionals use music to teach children and other people how to communicate in a non-verbal way, making it easy for the patient to learn, study music therapy options Offer or choose alternative to your child's treatment for autism.

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