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The impact of past experience on your life

Herbert - Mead, a sociologist, developed a theory known as social behaviorism that explained the reasons why past social experiences help individuals form personalities. Mead did not believe that the personality was developed socially by the drive or biologically, many of the conditions. He said that he develops only when people interact with each other. Without the interaction of others, individuals can not develop personality. An example of this will not physically or mentally mature from then if the child remains in the total separation for a long period of time. Secondly, social experience is important, which includes the exchange of symbols. Only people will make meaning to words and symbols. I can snack sitting in a dog before I can compile and comply. However, this does not know why you sit, but it is so in order to get food. To sit for a large number of reasons such as wanting to impress your friends or wanting to quiet it as they move throughout the place Mead also understands individual intentions It is important to point out. This will help you analyze how an individual responds before you act. For example, we refer to all our driving. If you are behind individuals that are speeding up fairly soon you can assume that they are trying to switch lanes and hurry Mead to take this as a different individual role . Another important theory related to social behaviorism is the appearance glass self. Some people also think that they wanted to mirror this way. If we think about others as looking "good-looking" then people looking for yourself as good, or thinking to be fat if you think people are playing the role of others during development I will. There is little knowledge of young children so it tends to mimic others. Children often have creative minds, for example, children of other important others and people like parents who have special importance to the development of their society, such as children He plays the house where someone plays the role of the mother and another person plays the role of the father. As age children take a variety of roles and learn to adapt to their surroundings. As we continue to aging we will continue to look at changes in our social life. There are many critics in Mead's theory and some claim that they concentrate too much on society to develop personal behavior. Another sociologist Eric H. Eriksson, unlike Freud, who believed that personality was pretty stone and was set in the first couple of individual life, unlike Freud, who changed at the stage of personality and death until all his theory , It is less accurate as people experience different order and time changes. Through all disagreements, sociologists generally agree with this main idea, which means that families have the greatest influence on the individual's socialization abilities and even infants and their controls are usually given to parent families I train. Through their families they learn multiple of communication skills such as trust, culture, and conviction. They can come from the environment as well because they use the environment to raise children, in many cultures. I think that it is true that it takes "a village for raising children". "It may not be surprising that different social classes tend to bring up children differently.In an interesting study that occurred in the United States, lower-class families want children for children than in those of upper-class families Lower class families will generally support submission and conformity while upper class families tend to favor creativity and good judgment (NORS, 2003) Travel and study abroad in South America For lower class workers tend to have jobs that they have to be highly obedient and have a highly supervised job.The unconscious riding gears for children To the "corporal punishment" by using as root to the upper class workers have work that encourages properties and creativity very similar to the characteristics they desire to have in their children Schools also have a great effect on individual personality.You spend huge chunks of daily time at school when you think about it.One children have the same race and gender Not to be aware that boys are more physical and aggressive and girls act more The boys also tend to find abstract activities like video games and girls more interesting There is a tendency for boys to major in physics and girls usually major in humanities and arts, so the same goes on when going to college. At school, children have similar interests with themselves It is a place to discover peer groups and individuals who have it o People are like clothing, music, style as if they are a group of friends rather than those who compensate for damages. Loops are a way for individuals to escape adult supervision and people are usually spoken in peer groups. During the years of puberty, people identify themselves as adults, , Parents will greatly influence individuals during their years as they know that they will hang around and surveys suggest that television is more passive and lessoned by people than their I showed that I did creativity.While I am in the US, I watch time TV and set my own maximum parenthesis.

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