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The referral wins again

Referrals are powerful in business, sometimes casual referrals are all take to make a purchase choice. Recent studies show that most small business customers come from referrals.

It's tough. :

Business, Small Business, Introduction, Growth, System, Feedback, Customers, Satisfaction

Article body:

Last week I was doing Christmas shopping with my wife. We were in the best buy looking for video games for our teenage son. My wife asked the clerk for his opinion on the best game for teen boys. I am happy. He did a good job, but none of the explanations were so convincing as I wanted to pick it up. As he and my wife keep talking, a fellow shopper comes by me, "Hey, if you want a good game for a teenager, get this" I will sell soon it was done. I had never seen him before and probably never see him again, I give him his opinion except he really likes that game

Referrals are powerful, even if they come from people you have never met before. Need More Evidence? Anita Campbell of the Small Business trend has just released the results of her recent study of sales to the small business market.

"Survey established that 83% of vendors attract SME customers through referrals-more than double the number report customers get through cold calls,"

You can see the full results of the survey here ( .

Business to Consumer or Business to Business, there is no stronger way to attract a business than referral. Don't leave it on chance. Talk to them about you, put a megaphone in their hands and give some good reasons. A system like PromoterZ (tm) ( helps you by getting feedback from your customers, asking for referrals, and giving a way to introduce friends and colleagues.

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