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The scale (September 24-October 23), born below the Libra sign,


The scale (September 24-October 23), born below the Libra sign, has a wonderful balance of traits. They are considered diplomatic, urban, romantic, attractive, idealistic and peaceful. But it is terrible such as its dark characteristics. They are frivolous, can be easily influenced and understated. Curiously, Libra is the only sign of the Zodiac, represented by the inanimate corpse. All other symbols are represented by animals and sea creatures and people.

Libra is a very first sign of the great year of astrologers and occurred between 15,000 and 13,000 BCE. It showed an expression of human dawn and his condition beyond the basic survival mechanism. This is the approximate date of a monumental Lascaux cave painting. It also marks the emergence of humans in the Americas crossing from the Bering Strait to North America.

Like the scales of justice representing Libra, this sun sign makes a good lawyer and a judge. They can stop and see the situation with critical and objective eyes. They are among the most civilized of all signs, and among their features are elegance and culture.

As a partner, Libra is willing to turn backwards to solve the problem friendlyly. The best match for Libra is Gemini; they are at least compatible with Capricorns because they are a little more excited like Capricorns in life, Libra is more of a lode You'll be sure to find all the Libra sitting I can not do it! Very easy going and positive, you will find pleasure to enjoy the Libra company. But even sending was surprisingly peaceful and calm.

There are famous John-Renon and Jenny-Lind, famous Swedish singers. Doris Lessing, Luciano Pavarotti, Oscar Wilde and Johnny Carson are just a few of the Libra that are enriching our lives with art.

Leo (July23-August22) is one of the kings of the Zodiac. They are generous, warm, creative, faithful and loving. They can, however, rule with pride. In Greek mythology, Leo was a lion killed by Hercules as the first of his twelve chores. Leo is spontaneous and extroverted. Like the king of the beasts, they are in command and prefer to make good leaders. They have strong intelligence and are both philosophical and religious.

Leo's age of the great year of astrology was between 10750 and 8600 BCE. It was characterized by the Stone Age and the first town (Jericho).

A group of lions is called pride, which is also a feature of Leo's personality, sometimes at the expense of it. However, Leo is also very self-trained and rarely loses control of personality traits.

They have a warm heart and make trust partners, but if this trust is abused they can be very hurt and disappointing. They are able to drive strong sex, and are difficult to stay and stay with any partner.

Leo is a target of attention and likes to have a powerful ego. They can be jealous if they are not the center of attention. It has to be remembered that if they stop trying hard to get it, they can get as much attention as possible, and that is again, that pride thing.

There are many Leos in the arts and films. Some of them are Zelda Fitz Gerald and Alexander * Dumas, Andy * Warhol and Neil * Armstrong, Roman * Polanski and Robert * De

Which is the best and worst game for Leo. You would think that these two stubborn signs like two would make a good pair, but surprisingly, the best match is Aries. But that makes them a good pair with their strong personality and passion. Leo's worst sign is Virgo. Leos tend to rule a little more than being good for Virgo.

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