Before proceeding to read this article, it is important for us to say something in advance. It is essential for the reader to understand that there is nothing like a secure operating system or web browser. Using security suites and other complementary products can significantly reduce risk, but it is not a magic wand that eliminates 100% of the risk. Raises doubts that product claims should be made available.
That is computer security and safety sweets. Many people are able to meet their needs and violate them. The worms from the most common threats, the virus Trojans, are phishing, hackers and crackers. Potential security breaches can come in the form of unfamiliar email attachment downloads, monitored by spyware (, a non-profit company, acts as a "dominant attached correlation engine with global coverage". In short, they are working with people and companies to track port scan violations, among others. It is a computer port system for hackers and crackers to try with port scanning. Once you have an open port, collect only your personal data on your computer's installed malware program. On average Logover 1.1 billion reported monthly port scan attempts. The scary thing is that this is based solely on program participants. From here there are many accident monthly users of computers among the general public. also reports on survival time. The unpatched PC is attacked or infected before the survival time is taken. The following is a summary of the current operating system breakdown:
Breakdown of current OS
Category% adjusted survival time
Windows 27.0000 128 minutes
Unix 0.5 000 3648 minutes
Application 3.0000 1203 minutes
P2P 1.5000 1591 minutes
Backdoor 0.5000 5432 minutes
Source: Time History (11/8/05)
In short, if you have a non-patched PC with a Windows-based operating system, you are attacked or infected in a little more than two hours. It will be a mysql computer.
Here are some examples that are easy to follow and secure immediately.
1. Unfamiliar program for driving.
In such a common sense, many eminent attacks such as spyware and mail attachments have nothing to do with eating or eating Netsky. If you do not know the sender, please do not download the attached file.
2. Do not allow unrestricted physical access to the computer.
If your computer contains sensitive or proprietary information, making it available to other employees or family members will help keep your computer secure.
3. Do not use weak passwords.
Use a password that is difficult for someone to figure out. People often use children, pets, anniversaries, or birthday names. What you need for a password is to ensure that as many people as possible use the same password. Big mistake! The use of only a password gives hackers easy access to the vikings of personal information. If you do not write your password, attach it later and have a screen computer. You may laugh absurdly, but it happens more than you think.
4. Don't forget to use it regularly for patching systems.
Many industry experts and most network security attacks are halted only by computer users who update patches and security fixes on their computers. Too often, we forget to do this regularly. Remember, new viruses, worms and Trojans are created and disseminated every day. They are looking for computer system weaknesses. The old software comes basically to hold a similar door.
5. Important day
Be sure to save a copy of the important files on removable media or other floppy disks or recordable CD-ROM disks. Save the backup in a separate location from your computer.
In most cases, Windows desktops and clean savers are usually security concerns for password protection. However, it is a comprehensive security suite that gives you an in-depth look at additional security measures.
Selection of anti-virus software
The next question is how do you choose the best product for your needs? Start by asking yourself a series of questions. Individual files for password protection, desktops, networks or access to people on the Internet Internet access to multiple users who are not using a computer? How many users total? What is your system requirement? How long do you want to spend?
But to answer these questions, we will tailor your research security suite to your needs. Product reviews and user tables are the starting point. Phumagain, (, and Consumer Reports ( are several informative sites that offer research on various computer software products.
There are many security suites in the market. It will take time to select one that meets your specific needs. A program popular as a corporate-governance couple as:
1. Kaspersky PC
Description: A comprehensive protection program package design for insects, viruses, spyware, and other malicious programs. Removed reviews System Requirements: Window 98/2000 / XP, Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher, Memory: 64 MB RAM minimum, free on 100 MB hard drive.
2. Shield Deluxe 2005
Description: This program is a system resource with very low virus, virus, spyware and privacy threats. In addition, the manufacturer, PC Security Shield, will provide free technical support on an ongoing basis. System requirements: Windows 98 or higher, WinNT, WinXP, WinME; Internet Explorer 5.1 or higher, Memory: 32 MB ram or higher, 65 MB free disk space.
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