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Top 10 Hangover Cures

This is a guide for all your people out there suffering from a hangover in a big way. Hopefully this will help with your recovery from the night of indulgence that ends.

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Morning after the previous night. When you wake up to the floor of your room of the same clothes you were wearing last night you will still taste the rest of the takeout you ate on your way home. In eyes openly speak thoroughly rarely with eyes " A promise is made every Saturday and Sunday morning by a person who is overindulged himself over the previous evening and you will soon see the next weekend around these same people I seem to come

Hangover - Of course, I see all the drinking nightmares. It will simply drain you energy and turn you into a walking zombie.
I will help you because you should never be afraid of that which is awful noisy hangover. I am preparing the top 10 Hangover remedies and remedies list to get you back to your old self as soon as possible with minimal effort.

Treatment number 1 - dog hair.
As it is OK, this is probably not the best way to cure a hangover. The last thing everyone wants to do after a serious heavy night in the town is to go back under the pub. This technique is simply just a way to postpone the fear of the remnant by topping over the level of alcohol floating in your bloodstream. This method is generally used among young drinkers who love to live students and parties' lifestyles but love to postpone being inevitable by that much

Cure number 2 - rehydration
This is a common mistake among most people. Confirming that taking as much water as possible is one of the best ways to avoid a hangover. About 200 ml of alcohol Water per 30 ml is a good rule of thumb. Usually most people are too tired after their night of drinking or simply fall down when they go home. So please make sure you drink plenty of water before you go to bed. It means some trips to the toilet in the evening but I believe it is worth it.
Sports drinks are also a good idea. Taste is not necessarily good, but please try Lucozade, Powerade, other "ade".

Cure number 3 - Food
If you have a steamed hangover, please get on your local cafe and order huge fried foods.

A breakfast with a good volume of amino acids in protein is a load, as if the atmosphere like a bar is on the recovery trend.

In fact the food is all round shape during drinking and before a good idea immediately after. Food does not absorb alcohol, but it increases metabolism, activates alcohol absorption, increases the rate at which the body processes alcohol.
It is a feeling that there is a case where it can not be done and food and so on are reduced.

Treatment number 4 - Lots of rest
It is an effective way to help you recover your body and return to bed. The reason I say "back" to bed is that it is not a good idea to just stay in bed all day (You need to make sure that you are standing up to meet your need, eat it There is something to drink, maybe I have a shower to refresh myself.When thinking that I should do I am going to return home.Is rather sleeping because of my headache and my stomach upset?

Cure number 5 - Do not drink so much at the first place!
I think it seems obvious, but its true. Try and think about relaxing the amount to drink during the night. Before you go home it was fooled by your fellows and cracks under pressure from your colleagues to have "another shot" or "swift pint".

Treatment number 6 - fresh air and maybe some exercise.
Perhaps the second and last thing you want to do is to crawl underneath your duvet and brave the sunshine. The last thing however should practice. But this is a good recommendation to use your training when you do speed up when you do, the process alcohol is quicker. It's not necessary to be too fierce A simple walk around the block will be fine.

Treatment number 7 - headache medication
Some people do not agree with the idea that taking headache tablets before you go to bed is the best way to prevent hangovers or at least reduce pain! Better ideas are headache It is to take a couple of tablets, preferably ibuprofen based, followed by a large glass of water in the morning At least you feel the head of the bed gives birth to lightly.

Treatment 8 - Do not mix your drinks.
A good way to confirm that a hangover from hell has come and is not invading your skull is to stick to a kind of drink. The drinking spirit, lagers, blows and something else that you can get your hands is not a good idea. Its not clever is not that big.

Number of treatments 9 - Bananas
Bananas have sugar in the form of fructose, they also have potassium, which is one of the things you lose a lot when you strike. Banana is also a natural antacid that helps with nausea and can relax those pounding blood vessels that cause that hangover headache

Cure number 10 - of tomato
Tomatoes are complete of antioxidants, vitamins and healthy so you get to eat. If you do not like to eat tomatoes, drink them of Blood Mary. You will feel better in about 15 minutes.

Bloody Mary
-1.5 oz vodka
- Dash of lemon (or lime) juice
- Worcester sauce
-2 or 3 drops Tabasco sauce
- Pepper, salt, celery salt
-5 oz tomato juice
- Serve to a tall glass on ice

In some cases alcohol is made stomach or not, it is vodka without the same recipe as Virgin Mary.

Special chip number 11 - sauna.

This is a potentially dangerous way of recovery and you set up some sort of world record for the glass of most of the water drunk continuously You and a few friends, If you take a trip to the sauna, stay there for about 10 minutes (no longer!) Then sweat away from all the toxins in your body. But you obviously will be dehydrated so you probably need to drink as much water as possible. Please note that you have some troublesome side effects of spending time in this sweaty environment. The place has pure alcohol and smell of sweat, it is not fun.

This is about all the advice I can offer to you except for lucky and happy drinking.
It can be reprinted on the whole and reprint this article on your site as long as resource information remains intact.

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Tom - Cruise abandons Scientology.

Having troubled himself self-destructive behavior, we were able to organize the interview. Newslaugh: You seem to be acting in Tom, rather rather odd way. What is behind that? Cruise: Suddenly, the most popular movie star in the world suddenly unloads yourself what happens when there is probably no way you can see why you will reach such a vertex Indeed this subconscious desire . Newslaugh: Oh, so why are you acting like a jackass?

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Humor, comedy, satire, political satire, laugh, jokes, news, news laughter, newslaugh, lol, laugh, spoofing, skit, skit

Article body:
Tom - Cruise, the biggest male box office charm in American movies, that is, he has recently displayed a variety of amazingly off putting funny attitudes, now, his

Much of the disappointment of millions of fans of his, movie icons abandoned Scientology and became Islamic fundamentalists.

Having troubled himself self-destructive behavior, we were able to organize the interview.

NewsLaugh: You seem to be acting in Tom, rather a strange way these days. What is behind that?

Cruise: Suddenly, the most popular movie star in the world suddenly unloads yourself what happens when there is probably no way you can see why you will reach such a vertex Indeed this subconscious desire .

NewsLaugh: Oh, so did you act like a jackass?

Cruise: That 's right! I do not think I deserve a celebrity, so I am about to destroy my career as much as possible.

NewsLaugh: Actually, you are doing excellent work.

Cruise, that's fine. At first I jumped on the Oprah sofa and tried to function crazy with love. But it was too sweet to do the damage I wanted.

NewsLaugh: Have you started emphasizing a strong belief in Scientology?

Cruise: Well, I came out about it in the most aggressive way I can think.

NewsLaugh (pointing to his new beard and white turban): Why is Islamic fundamentalist turn?

Cruise: I'm happy. My new photo, Mission Impossible III, was held in $ 34 million. Of course, it was predicted to be opened at $ 45 mil. , But $ 34 mil. There are still more ways I deserve. Because there was a reason for that, I managed to finish radicals.

NewsLaugh: You certainly chose it effectively. It would be difficult to imagine something that would make more fans alienate.

Cruise: So is not it big? I just have to endure one thing. Do you notice the white turban?

NewsLaugh: It is a bit difficult to miss it.

Cruise: Right. In Ernest, as you all know, it is a good buying white hat. I will not switch to black unless I still see that it has some box office appeal.

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