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Top Five Most Used Pop-up Displays for Exhibition Exhibitions

For portable trade shows, the most common type on the market today is the pop-up, expandable frame style; surprisingly, it's aluminum attached to a framework with a magnet on the first model for over 15 years. Tea Over the years the basic design has not changed, but the material, size and weight have been made less poppy and easier to carry to trad. ..

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Trade, show, display, exhibit, booth, trade show, advertise, marketing, offer, pop-up,

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For portable trade shows, the most common type on the market today is the pop-up, expandable frame style; surprisingly, it's aluminum attached to a framework with a magnet on the first model for over 15 years. Tea Over the years the basic design has not changed, but the material, size and weight made it relatively cheap to pop up and easy to carry to the trade show.

Today's frames expand to larger sizes, allowing a large exhibit to be carried in relatively small cases to a full 10 feet. Most 10-foot pop-ups weigh less than 90 pounds of cases; this typically includes fabric, lights and vertical lines. Pop-up blocks are a variety of different sized options for consumer flexibility when planning an exhibition booth. Within the industry, there are five common types:

 1. Standard pop-up display
 2. Photo mural pop-up display
 3. Pop-up display of fabric wall
 4. Commercial pop-up display
 5. Pop-up display in 3-D style

1. Standard pop-up display-The most common pop-up available, the standard pop-up is generally 10 feet wide, curved design. They are usually 200 watts including the lightest aluminum frame, individual aluminum, PVC or steel channel bars, Velcro fabric panels (Frontrunner or Prelude), and in the case of heat with wheels, usually the most pop-up package converted The halogen light is on. Price range for the standard 10 feet, curved pop-ups run $ 995- $ 2995 depending on the vendor.

2. Photo Wall Pop-up Display-This display is just like a standard pop-up, but instead of a Velcro fabric panel there is a photo wall panel that has a powerful large format graphic that attracts attention to the photo mural There is a greater appeal because it is. The photo mural pop-up is more expensive for the photo panel, but it is still as lightweight and portable as the standard pop-up. There are many types of panel printing offered for this type of pop-up, but from the most expensive DURST lambda to the cheap inkjet process prices are performed from $ 2195- $ 5995 depending on the vendor selected and the printing process.

3. Fabric wall pop-up display-Fabric wall pop-up is a large image of photo wall pop-up without cumbersome procedure of procedure Fabric mural is pre-mounted on the frame, standard or photo wall pop-up set-up Making it much easier, they get a standard 10-feet fabric usually get wrinkled during shipping, but this can be treated by stretching and can emit steam. This pop-up comes curved or non-curved and can be carried in the case of a lightweight nylon bag or hard shipping. The printing process required for fabric mural pop-ups is generally less expensive than those found in standard pop-ups and the price for these pre-painted models with fabric surfaces is You run $ 1695- $ 4995, depending on the seller and print process chosen.

4. Commercial pop-up displays-less common because they are high, different shapes that lift commercial pops-straight or bent-and many widths in. This display is built to be more sturdy and move to it often Classified as "Commercial" because the trend of the market was to make the pop-up exhibit lighter, less expensive and more expensive than the standard pop-up to make a good choice for the company to represent and represent A few small-volume commercial pop-up displays may typically be heavyweight frames with nylon connectors, folding steel channel bars, velcro panels (Frontrunner or Prelude), and one with wheels Price generally move $ 179- $ 3495 by the vendor .

5. 3-D style pop-up displays-these are the newest entries to the pop-up market; essentially, they are twist fabric styles, pre-attached, graphic 3-D pop-ups, round, and more From a trapezoidal square, with graphics attached to the framework to come in different shapes and to give a three-dimensional effect, the assembly of the 3-D pop-up is simple and fast as the graphic is already in the frame. The graphics can be easily removed, and the cost reduction is much more new than the display of replaceable work updates. The price of the 3-D pop-up display runs $ 995-$ 8995 depending on the shape, the number of graphics and printing processes used.

As you can see, many choices are pop-up display systems with a choice of points to consider. The most important thing to keep in mind is the frequency with which you use the display. This is how durable the pop-up display is, how easy it is to set up, and how to transport it from trade show to trade show

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