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Translation of internal reports and communications

Discussion of the need for international companies to translate internal documents into the team language.

It's tough. :
translation, translating, translator, languages, italian, english, business, financial, legal, documents, reports

Article body:
In today's world economy, it is more than international trade. It is a company and its employees too. Therefore, it is increasingly common to have companies in various languages ​​spoken in the department. So, maybe we should expect that internal reports and communication translations will occur regularly?

I work at some fairly large international companies, and from my own experience most companies do not adapt to the company's language needs. It is the mission of translation that there is no regional support.

What seems to happen is either one of the following: 1) The company has a single core language of the company informally so translation and communication of internal reports 2) To "translate" information based on requirements In-house efforts are being made.

Consider these in order:
Single Language Company-Trying to pretend to have a single language company when you are not, is the "head in sand" approach. This can cause the following issues:
1) Alienation of staff and departments.
2) Staff turnover-in addition to (1) employee career tracks, not whether they are the best people for work, but rather the ability to speak core language
3) Incompletely transmitted purpose. If the goal is not easy to understand enough by all complexity, how can one expect 100% achievement of the goal?
4) Lack of common business culture.

Internal Translation-Internal translation is definitely better than translation at all. But this has its own potential problems:
1) Are translators compatible?
2) Are all documents translated? Is it translated? If translating internal reports and communications is a secondary task, is translation always performed on time? / At all? !
3) Confidentiality-jungle drum (unofficial communication) always strong and beat the inside of the company. Therefore, some tasks are more confidential when done outside.
4) Is internal translation done at the expense of time spent on another core activity or purpose?

You should consider the cost of not having quality when considering the cost of quality. I believe the cost of translating internal documents should be considered as well. In some organizations, the problem of translating internal reports is less important to others.

Perhaps the need for translation is to reduce costs first. Routine report translation is a regular task that is sufficient to guarantee a more detailed discussion with the translation company and is achievable for ad hoc translation projects

<a href=""> visit </a> for more information about translating internal reports

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