Contraception is a term used to prevent pregnancy. There are different types around them. Some men use women.
There are two main ways of contraception, namely barriers and hormones. Apart from that, other types include sterilization, otherwise known as surgery, recovery, natural family planning and abstinence, which is the simplest.
Let's talk about each one.
• The first is that men or women use condoms or barriers to prevent semen from entering the womb of women. Male condoms come in many brands, colors and flavors and are usually made of latex gum. This is put on the penis when standing in front of the physical relationship.
The female condom is on the one hand made of polyurethane and is a long seven inch. This can protect the immediate area of the cervix, the vaginal canal and around the vagina. It is also inserted in the vagina of the woman before sexual intercourse.
* Another barrier is known as spermicide. It is a chemical designed to kill semen, and it is available as a foam, jelly, lathering tablet and vaginal suppository.
• There is also a diaphragm that is a soft rubber dome that extends into a flexible ring that contains spermicides in form or cream or jelly.
It is placed in the woman's vagina and placed in the neck. Women should take notes that this should not stay inside for more than three hours before physical relations.
* The cervical cap is a small cup made of the same material as the condom. It is also filled with spermicidal cream, inserted into the vagina of the girl and placed on the cervix.
Contraception patch
If you don't like wearing contraceptives or taking verbally there is a contraceptive patch available on the market so it can be smashed on your skin
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The chemicals found in the patch are designed to prevent ovulation of the eggs from the ovaries during the monthly cycle of women Estrogen and Progues, which happens, and girls can fuck without the risk of becoming pregnant .
The contraceptive patch also does something else and it thickens the mucus produced in the cervix, which makes it difficult for the sperm to reach the egg. Sometimes, the hormone itself may affect the lining of the uterus, so if the eggs are fertilized, it is a difficult time to attach itself to the wall of the uterus
Proper use of the contraceptive patch is based on her monthly menstrual cycle. This applies to the skin for three weeks in a row, and then, in the fourth week, she remains patch free so that she can have her monthly period.
The patch should be applied to any of the four areas of the body: abdomen, buttocks, upper arms or torso. The trick is making sure that the patch is placed weekly on the same day as this is the only way to make sure it is effective.
If you decide to put the patch on Tuesday, this needs to be replaced next Tuesday. After removing the old one, place the new one close to the previous area. If the skin has a cut, do not apply a new patch, the color is red or frustrating.
First-time users of contraceptive patches are advised to use an additional form of contraception during the first seven days of use. This is a fail-safe that the contraceptive patch will fall.
Contraceptive patches are waterproof and sweat proof so you can keep doing your daily routine. Necessary application soap and other skin products may be adversely affected and click on their ability.
Because the contraceptive patch releases chemicals into the bloodstream, certain side effects can be experienced. This includes abdominal pain, chest flexibility, fluid retention or elevated blood pressure, irregular bleeding, headache, menstrual cramps and nausea.
All women can also use contraceptive patches. If you are 35 years old, you suffer from blood clots, chest pain, diabetes, high blood pressure, headache, allergies to known or suspected tumors, hepatitis, heart disease or patches, it is another way you contraceptive
Some medications can also complicate the effectiveness of contraceptive patches. These include certain antibiotics used in the treatment of stroke, migraine and tuberculosis. When talking to your doctor about contraception, take a physical examination and reveal to him or her any other relevant information about your medical condition.
Contraceptive patches are easy to use. You only need to place it in the same area every week, and all the best, when you have it, it will not cause interruption gender.
* The last is a contraceptive sponge in a soft saucer shaped device made from the same material as a female condom.
Now that we have discussed various barriers, it is time to discuss hormonal contraception.
Hormone devices appear in form or in implants, patches, pills or strokes. They are designed to prevent women's ovaries from releasing their eggs every month, making the cervical mucus thick to allow sperm to penetrate the egg and to thin the endometrium.
Some experts believe that they are very effective but they can not protect against sexually transmitted diseases and STD.
* Contraceptives can be obtained from your health provider. Depo-Provera is an infusion that costs a little more than pills and can prevent pregnancy for 3 months. Something similar to Depot-Provera is lunelle, but this can prevent pregnancy for up to a month.
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* Contraceptive patch like ring iud contains hormones and copper, small plastic that changes cervical mucus to reduce egg chance from fertilizing
* Withdrawal is simply removing your penis from the girls vagina before ejaculation. Sterilization permanently closes the fallopian tube, which is better known as tubal ligation. Men can do the same, this is called vasectomy.
* Natural family planning is simply controlling the number of children you want to have.
* Abstinence is not at all engaged in sexual intercourse which is probably the most effective type of contraception.
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