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Use forum viral marketing

These days, forum marketing is kind of free, organic and viral marketing. But because so many marketers go into marketing product or service intentions and forums altogether, their actions and attitudes are deliberately of desired effects

The forum is not a marketplace, but when used that way, the behavior of the marketer becomes offensive, fellow members and marketing

To be effective, this kind of marketing carries some degree of responsibility and respect. The first requirement is to have a personal interest in the subject of the forum. It not only means to visit regularly but also to build a good relationship with other members and moderators, and actively involved in helping others Of course, it is also all that exists It means to comply with the rules. By doing this, the business naturally evolves, as it is a human nature to work with a credible colleague who can increase your reputation.

This type of marketing already suffers abuse, and for this reason, many forums are members from abusive or overly aggressive marketing tactics. Sig files have hundreds of members Only after you create a valid post and another completely bans the ads on the sig file.

If you do not respect marketers, it is the theme given, as before, to exchange ideas that should be the platform of the objective forum. Do not promote products or services. Focus on topics and posting questions and answers By, the marketer's reputation grows, and this naturally creates the potential for sale.

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Use file sharing viral marketing

Ten million people online are probably looking for download at any time. Of course, many of them may be looking for pornography and free software, but still some of them can reach a minimum of 10,000 on any given day

You need to look closely at the size of two simple reasons for downloaded music about the file service used like a person. In fact, Pandora's box is open. In Napster's wake, other quasi-legal services soon emerged ... many of them. Other people will succeed even if they are closed.

There is no limit to things like large companies, but we share files for your understanding and cooperation. Net users are file-sharers ... plain and simple. My favorite music from cassette tapes, born on the Internet before, is high for friends --- cd burners.

So how can you use this to help your virus sales movement? Think about this. One person starts viral marketing of the hard disk drive of the listener who prepared the download your MP3 files and these files. Suddenly, your music is on the second computer hard drive ... then the third ... and on, after two users start sharing your files. Users will also find many different computers in their music, ie download files of grace period. It is a matter of time before you can find files appearing in more places.

 Whatever genre of music you play ... Rock and Roll, Country, Tejano, Mozart Sonata, Heavy Metal, Brazilian Jazz, somewhere in it's

This new paradigm offers free music through media that allows you to be connected directly with your audience, not to market the product.

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