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Vegetable Gardening Tips

At the cost of rising life all the time, it saves money and improves your family's health at the same time by growing vegetables in your backyard

It is a good idea to pick up your favorite vegetables to plan, early beds, middle season and late change and plan.

Most vegetables are needed at least 6 hours of sunlight per day, some needed 8. Some simple growers like lettuce and radish have time to mature like beets or corn You can grow between such rows of plants

Throughout the drying period, the vegetable garden needs extra watering. Most vegetables contribute weekly from much of the inch or water, especially when fruiting.

Between growth period watches for pests. As soon as it finds a bug problem it will be much easier, but unless it is an absolute necessity, vegetables are picked up near organic gardening is a healthy and environmentally friendly option. Once you harvest your crop, please put the vegetable waste into the mountain of compost so that it can be recycled in the next spring.

It is important to protect your vegetable garden from wild animals looking for delicious treats. Make sure your garden is surrounded by fences to keep dogs, rabbits, and other animals. The harm done by wandering animals in a season is equal to the cost of the fence. Fences and frames Arms peas need bean, tomato and other agricultural products support.

Protection is necessary for your vegetable garden to bring rich crops. Attention is paid when payment of effort distribution is necessary.
Safe pest control tips

Pest control should be considered safely the greatest consideration; safe in terms of plants, animals and humans. This is especially true for them with vegetables and organic gardens.

The main purpose of organically cultivating vegetables will be defeated if they are contaminated with pesticides.

Here are a few long-term tips that will make pest control less harmful and more environmentally friendly.

1. Use the physical pest control process.

This may be accomplished by larva selection by hand, creating barriers and traps and plugging holes. Snails can be found hidden in a damp place under the rock.

2. Apply biological pest control.

Encourage looting insects like green lacewings and dragonflies to give with other pests and aphids attacking your plants. You can do this by placing a shallow water pot in the garden. Dragonflies are placed around water in particular. Bacterial insecticides like B. thuringiensis can also be used against larvae.

3. As a last resort, we should turn to chemical pest control.

Organic pest control methods can be ingenious and raw materials for a large number of recipes can be found in the kitchen cupboard. If a chemical spray is actually needed, try to find the least toxic. These include insecticidal soap, horticultural oil, dehydrated dust and the like.

4. Consider using a safer substitute for pest control.

Alternative pest management for recipes, including:

For green aphids and mites, mix 1 cup liquid soap and cup of vegetable oil. Dilute teaspoon of this solution with a full of water and spray on aphids and ticks.

For cockroaches - boric acid dust can be applied to cracks or entrances to these insects. The leaves of the bay pantry shelves can also help to dismiss these creatures.

Specifically, you can use it for insects with the medicine of Nan.

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