Why some companies are better than others
It's tough. :
Direct Mail Postcards direct mail, marketing, direct mail marketing, postcards, pleasure gendusa
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Many people ask me, "What is a postcard campaign?" And why do I need it? "I sigh. I take a deep breath before I write this chapter. This is a big shot. A very important subject. This is a difficult thing to teach. No matter how much proof you try, no matter how much evidence. Even if given, people do not want to believe it, but I owe you the truth.
<b> cam paign </ b> <i> n. </ i>
1. A series of military operations implemented to achieve large-scale objectives during the war: <i> Grant's Vicksburg campaign secured the entire Mississippi state for the coalition. </ i>
2. New product advertising campaign, candidate political campaign. </ i>
<i> intr.v. </ i> <b> cam paigned, cam paign ing, cam paigns </ b>
To engage in planned operations to achieve specific goals: <i> Exercise for human rights through the Vietnamese jungle. </ i>
[France campagne, from Italy campagna, <i> field, military operations </ i>, from late Latin camp nia, <i> open country, battlefield </ i>, from latin campus, <i> field </ i> .]
The above definition number 2 is what we use. However, by studying the entire definition along with derivation (the origin of the word), we can see how all the definitions are connected. Campaigns for marketing, simply put, are strategically planned to have the best benefits (newer customers) for your business.
Nota bene (that is, "take a note in Latin"-and I don't mean take notes): If you're not doing repeated mailings, you're sorry for the money down the toilet The truth sometimes hurts.
Why is this true? The mailing of one post card is going to get the attention of anyone for more, just the minutes they see it. Think about it. How many times have you seen the same TV commercial many times? One-shot postcard mailings are a business that is going to go to where in the future, the bottom line is life.
If you are not faced with having to do a campaign, maybe you should not be a business. And it may sound rough – rough. It is a tough world. And I want you to succeed with it.
There is another reason. reliability. Sometimes people hold onto your postcards for a while. While it is your postcard. They may even cling to your card for three years. But in most cases they will think "Oh, I may need it someday". When repeating your shipment to those same people and viewing your images, logos, slogans, messages to you will be sure to them many times. Not only that, it is the correspondence. Repeated mail can not be repeated enough.
Why more than 50% of companies fail within five years? It is a service to pay money to good people. In short, they are not on the market-they don't get people to buy their own. That is the whole point of marketing.
Yes, of course <i> some promotions are better than no promotion. And shipping from a one-time shipment is then never better than sending the shipment at all. Grows in predictions to quickly learn the real campaign repeat emails. After all you will see trends within your own company based on your postcard specials or offers. Pull out more to find out. And if you tabulate your results – track how many closed or how much income came off of that promotion Campaign results <i> you </ i> r Can be created based on But I am ahead of myself here. Let's keep it easy. Your income depends on how much you put the communication on the subject. It is relative to it. And consistently know how long you need to mail to bring you the desired amount after the mail time.
Turn off the blast of communication and inflow prospects, call / enter and get customers buying. Yes, if you provide a good product you will get some ... from some business referrals. But I want a blast that is repeated many times to get a consistently generated inflow. And consistency is where prophecy comes. "I think a big flow of things will happen. Check this:
Say you send 5000 postcards.
From that 5000, 150 posts on your postcard.
Of the 5,000, many will call in the first week.
Of those 5,000, many call 2nd week.
Of the 5,000, many will call next month.
Out of that 5000, so many calls in 6 months.
Of the 5000, many never call ...
There is a diminishing influx from that initial shipment, and therefore, may give a false impression of what happens from a certain shipment. Someone sends from the postcard and says, "The four responses I got only from my shipment!" But, after the person who sent the shipment expects things to happen, it continues from that one mailing method The whole dynamics of what you are doing think about it. Do you want to jump in every single ad to get flooded that you think it is a good idea? I am a millionaire now. But in most cases, catch your interest and see some ads, say to yourself that you want to check out a few days. And, make sure that you have always remembered. And you look at it again and this time you will check it out. Or when you file it and pay its credit card, pull out your file and the rug you wanted to buy for your living room
Victoria's Secret, Pottery Barn-A Reputable Catalog Company Mails Your Catalog Multiple Times! Are you still getting a picture? How many sent a good buy without having received from the catalog of pottery ...
I want continuous and consistent growth. So what do you do? Look at this scenario:
You send out 5000 postcards for a week, and you have everything I go about above.
You send 5000 next week and you have to go to all that I mentioned above.
You send out 5000 next week, and for each of those spills, a decreasing flowchart is followed.
what happens? It comes from all different places!
I am always happy to use and communicate.
And yes, it costs a lot of money to do it. (If you have your list, you will only pay it once – postage is over 55% of your expenses), so find money Find money. If you borrow money to do business, spend money on marketing!
This is the amount of capital investment: people start working with money. They give themselves a wonderfully large salary, they buy really large furniture, computers, buildings, etc. That is not where they should spend money. They should spend their money on marketing and promotion and get a name there. "It is likely to increase the sale of the money," corresponding to the changing environmental conditions, and advanced computer and design wonderful.
Return to the campaign and mail the beaucoup weekly. Starting with the list, we will send mail to one list, another list next week, another list next week. Then rotate these lists again. And again. And again.
It is delicious. You can check whether it is a pre-seat or a track by pasting a single squirrel, but it is already done.
For example, get a list of 6000 identities. You can mail it for 2000 weeks, 2000 next week and 2000th week. Then it will rotate. There are three different lists of you
Ok, you got points. There is a campaign to get your customers to keep buying from you so don't go elsewhere. And there is a campaign to get a new business.
Once you get a new business, those customers (once they were prospects) get repeated customer campaigns. (More on this later in this manual)
<i> Where do you start from? </ i>
The first thing you should do when you begin and think about the sales movement should start with your own customer.
Say you're in business 5-10 years and hit the plateau; start with shipment to your own customers who are with you and already know. And if you get a little bit of your income, then start to sell to new customers Second Campaign.
In that case it costs money. You should not go out as much as you eat. Don't buy that new Lexus (yet!). Do not invest in that part of real estate now. Return your money to your business.
If you made all your money with your business, then that business is a goose putting golden eggs (Going ahead to the final Lexus and gaining a new customer and customer retention campaign both recently) Spend the spent money.
Really, be selfish; got it, but just be patient. If you try trying your marketing is actually paying, wait until you have not stopped the influx of business.
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