Did you know that your company is very likely to be a victim of fraud? In fact, that is probably happening now! Although the children of developing countries were clearly known for fraud, there were no other subtleties or indications. These two articles cast some light on the topic. The first part helps to determine if your company is vulnerable to (certainly, already victims) fraud. It describes scams in more detail, and provides examples of definitions and real scams. I will explain the second part. ..
It's tough. :
Corporate expense management software
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Did you know that your company is very likely to be a victim of fraud? In fact, that is probably happening now! Although the children of developing countries were clearly known for fraud, there were no other subtleties or indications. These two articles cast some light on the topic. The first part helps to determine if your company is vulnerable to (certainly, already victims) fraud. It describes scams in more detail, and provides examples of definitions and real scams. You can cheat the way you can explain part two.
What is a Scam?
Companies around the world lose huge amounts of money for fraud and abuse. According to government and private research, the following examples are typical. The manufacturing company earns $ 60 million in revenue and $ 18 million in profits annually. Fraud and abuse costs about 6% ($ 3.6 million) of revenue. The company's price margin on income is 30%, so they just generate an additional $ 12 million (additional income of 20%) in income to cover the cost of fraud and abuse (source of PWC. )
The enactment of the US Sarbannes Oxley Act of 2002 was the direct result of many well-publicized accounting scandals (some of which can be described as "frauds"), including high-profile companies. The purpose of this act was not only to close the loophole that made these crimes possible, but also for the company to be responsible for those crimes.
But what is a fraud?
The widest definition of fraud (according to the law of Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, copyright 1996 Merriam-Webster, Inc.) is:
Specifically, to a transaction that is intended to deceive another, with false or false knowledge of false or falsely ignoring that truth or false.
Some examples of fraud
With this definition, fraud encompasses things like failure to guarantee business expenses is actually incurred or reported in time, or in accurate dollar amounts. It also involves reckless ignorance in separating personal expenses from consistent obstacles to use business expenses and due care and to comply with policies.
"Tsu" "Tsu" "Tsu" bonds:
1) Travel expenses and entertainment expenses
2) Abuse of corporate credit and purchase of cards
3) Transactions with related parties
4) Service from receipt and seller, supplier, etc. under free or market cost goods.
And it is very difficult to identify the exact points where cheating actually occurred. Corporate fraud is seen in many forms that are not particularly obvious at first glance. For example, corporate accounting packages, CRM, ERP, and database solutions have the highest grade of security and data integrity managing their business Unfortunately, in most cases, this data is very data integrity Ends in a lost spreadsheet easily. This final stage of the information journey is known as the fragile last mile. Because there is no control, no standards, no IT accountability during the fragile last mile, information is completely exploitable.
For example, changing the plus and minus signs in a spreadsheet would result in a fidelity of $ 2.4 billion in dividends for their Magellan Fund, a loss of $ 1.2 billion due to a formatting error in spreadsheet cells It came to $ 2.4 billion in dividend payments.
Similarly, California (Computer Buddy) has published financials of $ 60 million errors because of its minimal spreadsheet error.
The audit corporation by conducting the spreadsheet error research is selected as a third party accounting agency, and the limited liability audit corporation includes a large spreadsheet of 9.0% around it.
How to minimize your company fraud?
Fraudsters include people of all ages, experience levels, salary levels, ethnic background, gender, geographic area, and other demographic differentiators. To minimize and detect fraud, it is necessary to introduce enterprise expense management software to create an environment where fraud can not thrive.
The second (and final) article in this series describes how to stop fraud from happening in your company. This article is this site or inlogik.com/12530+0+free-articles.htm.
About Backfile Document Scan
Back File Document Scan scans your recently archived paper files, documents, blueprints and other papers, and your PC,
Most companies after some surveys need the resources they need to start their back file scanning process, much more in many ways ..
It's tough. :
Document, scan, management, software, service, paperless, backfile, day promotion
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Back File Document Scan scans your recently archived paper files, documents, blueprints and other papers, and your PC,
Most companies after most surveys are very likely to decide that the resources needed to start their own backfile scanning process are very expensive and implement a "paperless office" in more ways One day forward aspect of scanning for all new documents that are informative, your raw
This is a very common "paperless office" face backfile scan issue towards the decision makers of the Oita company.
What options do you have? Which one is right for you?
Internal vs. Outsourcing: How to Choose
1. Purchase an in-house system and direct your staff on the on-site backfile scanning and conversion process.
2. Direct the seller's staff to purchase the in-house system and do on-site preparation, scanning, and indexing.
3. Contract with the seller to operate the system, using staff at your location.
4. Send files and documents to a scanning index for off-site use on CDs, DVDs, the Web.
Most organizations differ in the availability of staffing, resources, and goals. In private research, the group examined a wide range of issues in electronic document management and backfile scanning. Groups of these need to be considered a combination of these identified common, outsourcing services. The first three require in-house dedicated space, the first two require the purchase and maintenance of equipment, and the first two employ more full-time employees
The only fourth option reduces the burden on all three of the first.
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