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What is your personality and true?

Many lives such as personality, sorting concrete can be difficult to identify. The basic definition is a relatively stable feature that withstands, the average is unique that divides people from the crowd. A psychologist studying personality, why people are strangers first when they meet first, or while some people are just natural and fun and themselves, why some scientists inscribe this gene How to control who will do. Other psychologists believe that it is an environment in which people have important speeches in the way people behave. The truth is that personalities are multidimensional topics and everyone is unique, so we need works from various theories. One theory is a psychodynamic point of view discovered by Sigmant - Freud. Basically this theory basically digs down the personality of a person who faces that personality to the personality of the country. Psychologists who support this approach are aware that personality is an unconscious process or that individuals have self-consciousness and confidence He is a young boy has sexual appeal to mothers Although he was known for the controversial theory that he was controversial theory, probably he is somewhat reasonable with his mother 20 years younger than his father The theory about the unconscious mind is that people are talking, It is time to call a person who knows the name of. For example, if a woman breaks up with her boyfriend, gets a new boyfriend, and calls her current boyfriend the name of a friend of her previous boy's friend, he thinks he is Freud and is important for holding a dream I will act on a motif. He also believed that the personality could be built into a layer like an iceberg of ice. The part buried under water is id or unconscious aspect. A good example will be children as much time, as they work far more pleasure without thinking of the final result. If people have strong id's personality, it will be a very terrifying place to live. People will act on a natural impulse rather than following social norms. It is a good thing to have because the ego helps people recognize the reality and conform to social norms. For example, many people have a high level of sex and invasion, can not be unmanaged, usually abandon it rather than lead to a rape-like crime Finally called a conscious side Ego is a moral determinant. Then, what is wrong. Many psychologists did not follow Freud 's unconscious theory, and the psychologist who was heavy against it was Alfred Adler. He believed that people were motivated by the purpose and purpose of achieving something in life. He also believes that people recognize what is going on in their lives, and consciously had the ability to monitor that day in their daily events. So please answer about those of compensation. For example, if people trying to be excellent feel it better by lowering others about themselves, do it for their own danger or if this theory is motivated by people and achieves goals It was known as an individual psychology. People try to overcome their fears, this is known as compensation. When psychologists ignore unconscious minds, they tend to see more of the environment in deciding personality, which is known as a behavioral approach. They believe that personality can be determined by what you see on the outside. For example, if someone is shy, working hard, and being motivated to accomplish something, this is out of their personality. This theory was founded by an early psychologist named BF Skinner. He also believed that personality was never consistent because he believed that person's personality could change due to environmental stress. So people who are shy can shift to people who are active and going out and those who are out going to shame because of their own environment shy person for specific action If you are actively reinforcing, there is a higher likelihood that it will happen again in the future. It is thought that it is important that the Freud - Skinner theory is Humanistic discovered Carl - Roger. This approach is less pessimistic, I find human good, I believe that humans have the freedom to choose their destiny. The central theme of Roger's approach is self-concept of its own ability, behavior, characteristics, and individual view of personality. Hanging if a person has more distorted self concepts, it is cumbersome to associate with. When analyzing the concept of self Rogers stated to distinguish yourself between real self and ideal self. The ideal self is the type of person who wants us to be. If a person has significant competition between their true self and the type of person they want more than awkward or maladaptive, they act. In order to correct this we will try to focus more on our real self and develop a positive opinion of it and let others know, Another way you can help the development of a more positive view of our real self is done by a concept known as an unconditional positive point. This term can be defined by accepting different individuals regardless of their behavior, which is a kind of difficult to do. They sound strange when people are rude, offensive, or rude, so they still need support and need to be loved. This does not mean to hug someone a little after you, but more like "how I am acting"

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