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What should I do if I am not satisfied?

Customer service is about every customer. As business owners and employees, we all had at one time or had to deal with another upset customer. What happens when the upset customer is us?

It's tough. :
Business, customer, service, relationship, satisfaction

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Customer service is about every customer. As business owners and employees, we all had at one time or had to deal with another upset customer. What happens when the upset customer is us?

I do not guarantee success in my business. The last thing that business owners want is to lose our business, so when something goes wrong and we are customers, we naturally do it, although we often complain Then again we probably don't leave customers.

Here we propose to be more satisfied customers. Know what you want to make happy before complaining. Here is an example.

Last week I bought pies in the national grocery chain. It was on sale and the worst thing I tasted when I went to eat it. I looked for my receipt to return it and noticed that the pie, which was to be $ 2.50, was billed for $ 4.79.

On the way to the store, I decided to ask for a total refund and a new pie. When I went to the customer service desk, I told the man working there what I expected for my trouble. He waited for a while and said he went to the back office. When he came out, he told me to go get a new pie.

As I was looking at pies, I had the choice of another fruit pie (blueberry at first) or pumpkin or key lime. The key limes were $ 3.00 more than the original pies, but they are always good as I have eaten them before that store. I explain that the key lime pie is good and I know that the person asked if I wish the bag, and the key lime pie goes back to the service desk, then he hands me a cash refund, I left the store.

I will go shopping at that store again.

My point to this is that when we are customers, we are most likely that it wants us to make us think we want to come back And I want to make arrangements in advance. This gives us the opportunity to save the business relationship and the way we get what we need to be happy.

For customers, it is not always easy for them to figure out if it would make them happy or satisfied. As a business owner it is an employee who is empowered to handle good ideas and situations with ready suggestions.

As I said before, all we need to know is what we want and how to ask for it. At least in most cases, getting a new client is much more expensive than giving it what you need to feel satisfied

How to write a complaint letter to get the result you want

You will be sent a double fee. Did your special evening on the ruins of a poor service restaurant? Were the flowers you ordered delivered to the wrong address? Then it is time to write a complaint letter to get the condition resolved to your satisfaction.

It's tough. :
Write complaint letters, complain letters, negotiate complaints, how to complain

Article body:
You will be sent a double fee. Did your special evening on the ruins of a poor service restaurant? Were the flowers you ordered delivered to the wrong address? Then it is time to write a complaint letter to get the condition resolved to your satisfaction.

Do something positive to your opening sentence and get points for the first paragraph. The flower shop doesn't need to know this was your grandmother's 90th birthday, but they're your customers for five years The start of the bright notes business with them into them Inform that you want to keep doing.

Tell your story exactly, in as few words as possible. You don't have to tell the restaurant that was hosting your business dinner with your new boss, but rather, this celebrated an important opportunity The food was cold or until the main course was served, the appetizer What was wrong with the situation was that it was neglect to bring you. When possible with humorous-brain surgery is also important.

Don't threaten. It is only the station that may make it difficult to connect you to the story "How big is your shop and call me again." No one will be in a hurry to handle your problem. You can expect the same behavior.

Just show exactly how this error costs (time, money or embarrassment) and what results you want (refund, free meal or gift certificate). Be modest at your request-you will not get unlimited free meals for life as the waiter has spilled coffee in your new suit. However, you can get free bottles of wine for your next visit.

Provide your letter a copy of your receipt, communication or contract. If you had a contract with a caterer and he did not offer the dessert you ordered, it proves that it promotes your cause

If the problem is resolved, be sure to substitute the company for the favor. Say your friend about the flowers delivered to the wrong hospital, how personally fresh arranged, how far the patient took the florist himself, excellent customer service

Remember, the purpose of the business is to keep customers coming back. How to inform a company that knows about their mistakes How they improve the situation-it is a win-win solution for both sides

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