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What you need to know during pregnancy

Constipation is very common during pregnancy. It is caused by secondary progesterone (normal in pregnancy) secondary reduced intestinal motility that can lead to greater absorption of water and the following tips are from my personal experience.

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Constipation is very common during pregnancy. It is caused by secondary progesterone (pregnancy-normal) secondary reduced intestinal motility which can lead to greater absorption of water

I had it twice. The first happened in the first month. That was awful. The second one caused my first bleeding at 13 weeks of pregnancy. Therefore, I pay great attention not to constipate again. I have left so far.

The following tips are from my personal experience:

1. Eat more vegetables and fruits every day. Vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, spinach and other dark green lush lawns and trees are spread. Fruits include bananas, including apples, oranges, pears, strawberries and grapefruit, but they are only occasionally eaten.

2. Eat more fluid food such as soup. The soup contains more nutrition than normal food and is easy to digest. Plus, soup adds liquid to your system. For example, instead of eating double-baked potatoes, I make mushrooms and marjoram and roasted red peppers, green onions, potato cream soup and potato soup Instead of eating roast chicken, cream chicken soup, noodle chicken soup or broth soup chicken Then local chicken.

3. Drink plenty of water. Drink 6-8 glasses of water daily. Sometimes a cup of orange juice or vegetable juice is also helpful. Limit caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea, soda and 1-2 cups. Limit caffeine intake to less than 300 mg caffeine. I virtually avoid them and only drink water, milk, juice and vegetable juice.

4. Do some exercise for a while. A vigorous 15-30 minute slow walk helps bowel movements twice a week. But avoid active exercises not suggested by your practitioner.

Dear readers, do you have any contipation experience, or tips for fighting against it? Welcome to share your comments!

As it is knowledge MLM online

Make it possible to introduce as many different components as providing to people. Success is MLM Online. Here are some of the most important things to know before starting any kind of MLM online program:

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* To succeed in MLM Online, you need to consciously make decisions to succeed. Unfortunately, this is not the way most people start out. Usually, people never get an MLM. This can not lead them, or the right way. To be successful, you need to decide that success is your goal. You must plan from that end of the mind and then the achievable steps you need to take to achieve that end.

· It is as in need of your vision of MLM Online Success. It is a great deal behind the fact that it is considered important to be successful. As long as your mind powers your mind and your efforts, you can achieve something with your MLM online business. Who your network feels the center of your words and whose intention is much more willing to deal with you than a similar candidate who is not passionate like

· Be sure to sell yourself about the education network MLM Online is also the full potential in the true sense. MLM understands it properly and can greatly influence your life and your income as long as it can be used to your best advantage

* Put your responsibility on writing. Make the contract with the sponsor formal in writing, or just write the contract. This agreement was sponsored by the placement of customer responsibility). This is a very powerful success tool as it solidifies your commitment to your MLM business and yourself.

· Get ​​books on calendars and personal agendas and use them. Plan from the time you spend on your business and follow this plan. In fact, the pilot on the palm promises a solution about the solution, but many people look at the handwriting about the effect as well.

* Learn to neutralize negatives. Otherwise, they will overwhelm you and inhibit your ability to succeed. Negatives and objections are issues that need to be addressed at every point in every business. Whether they start you or someone else, they can neutralize these harmful elements so that they work for you and not for you

It is these points by mastering the theme but the right foot is a successful MLM online experience.

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