There are many symptoms that individuals with autism can develop; however, one of the most frustrating and hard to understand is the recent theory of mind called this over the last few decades The problem has been more thoroughly discussed and studied, but it is still largely a mystery. Due to the theory of mind problems, social interactions are even more intense for people with autism.
The theory of the mind causes these social behavior difficulties in almost every aspect, from the playground as a child to the social world as an adult. The concept behind the theory of mind is that autistic people can not recognize that others in the world have different ways of looking at things It may not be true, but he or she is probably essentially everyone thinking and feeling, the same thing he or she thinks and feels and knows that most autistic people are necessarily bad Not, but there are times when you can not tell an unnatural lie. There is no such thing as the truth that everyone knows because it is considered as an option to sleep together.
Autism individuals also have some powerlessness, so no one else knows that. In fact, knowing that others are lying or generally bad is a rude awakening for people with autism. This is particularly surprising when first experienced in the business world, and many autistics do not know how to deal with this. It's hard to put on someone else's shoes because they believe that everyone is looking at the world. Of course, this can be taught, but unfortunately remembering those autism constantly is a difficult process.
The theory of mind even for children-it is a secret that other children need to enjoy the difficult game. They also often have to remember to share and release aggression in a way that is not harmful. Some of the frustrations of autistic people may arise from this helplessness to understand why another is not responding in a "right" way. Autistic children struggle to understand why people don't know certain facts.
The theory of mind still needs to be better understood and able to handle this symptom of autism. Currently, the best teaching methods are role-playing and other games that require children with autism to look at things from many angles, and ongoing social interaction with modern medicine into the theory of mind problems. Until you find a better answer, the best thing to do is patient with autistic individuals and prey upon them your thinking process
What is a compelling developmental disorder
Persuasive developmental disorders not otherwise specified are also known as PDD NOS. This is where the child is only showing some of the signs of autism. No these signs, or all the places. PDD-NOS is usually found first in children of three to four years. But some kids still show signs while their toddlers still. There are various areas where signs may be present. We will look at these two.
Social interaction
Delays in the development of social interactions can often be seen when the child is a baby. They may not see the eyes or smile when interacting with them. They don't hold their arms for you to pick them up. They may be regenerated by their self. Some of the children of PDD-NOS may sometimes be fun to hug. They may enjoy rough homes with their old brothers and parents.
These PDD-NOS children usually have no problem with their separation from their parents. They also have no problems with strangers. They may perform right to strangers like their parents. When a child is older usually comes closer to a parent or other adult. They have a hard time making friends. They do not like to participate in the game with other children. Some children with mild PDD-NOS will want to make friends, but this is because they struggle to socially deal with others
Communication failure
Communication impairments of other unspecified child with developmental disorder can begin in early childhood. The children don't try to talk as the other children do. They pick up a word and may repeat it over and over.
Some PDD-NOS children pick up speech easily, but they have problems using the right language in the right situation. It is difficult to understand the sound with someone's voice when they are joking or sarcastic. It is ridiculous. For example, if a child is told they are going to look out cats and dogs raining and expect to see cats and dogs falling from the sky, maybe looking out of the sky. Designation without persuasive developmental disabilities is a topic only for children. They may seem to be talking to you.
Children with persuasive developmental disabilities are struggling with unspecific emotions. They usually experience emotions, but at the extreme. If they are angry, they have one more end-of-the-end moth than the normal child. This is the same for fear, or sadness. They have a very happy time. They usually don't show the expression that goes with the emotions.
These are just two of the many signs of a child with a compelling developmental disorder. If you look at these signs tell the child he corresponds to the doctor or pharmacist. In the case of children that can be verified about them, further testing is necessary.
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