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Why are all songs about love

Are we listening to music when we are loving and happy? No, we usually do. We listen to songs about love when our love is bad or when we are falling in love.

Small tits. :
Music, love songs, muse, hurt, bruises, musicians

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Are we listening to music when we are loving and happy? No, we do not usually listen to the music of our hearts, which then hits in synchronism with our beloved people.

We listen to songs about love when our love is bad or when we are falling in love.

Practically the musician knows that the song about love suffering is most money making. The reason is that people want someone to be near them in the times of being in the sorrow of love, in order to clarify their suffering. It is called sympathy in psychology. This is the process that someone shares the same feelings with you. Musicians are psychologists. They cure our soul with their music.

On the other hand: catalyzes your suffering of too much sad depressed music. Some bands "advise" their recipients to jump off the roof. I think that one perceives it very figuratively. Such a suicide motif can be found mainly in the repertoire of "Muse".

The song dictionary about love is packed with words like "broken", "hurt", "heart", "just you". "Radiohead" also uses the word "bruises" as an alternative. And the pronoun "You" is the most widely used.

The most sad thing is that everyone who listens to songs about love imagines themselves in the place of singing and always wants to deal with what he / she loves but can not do it.

Still, the song about love proves that this feeling is not only a chain of chemical reactions. That's over ...

Who is the Mac Dre?

Andre Hicks aka McDoll is so meaning to thousands of people around the Bay Area, but widely not known outside California Northern. Who is Mac Dre?

Small tits. :
Mac, Dore, Tits, Otolaryngology, Entertainment, Andre Hicks Trail TV

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McDray was born in Auckland in the fifth of the month of 1970, he grew up in Valley, California, where he lived most of his life.

In 1989 MacDrake released his first album, EP 'Young Black Blower' It had 4 Tracks on it and one truck In 1991 McDray was returned in "California Livin" and by time , He released his third album 'Whats really goin on' (1992) His music, about that, clubs and people's cars, Mac Dre seemed to reach a big time. However, the police believed that he was behind some bank robbery, as he was put in jail, his hopes and dreams were abducted away from him. Mac Dre lasted 300 miles by the police from the "Bay Area" by Fresno, his friend was wired and he began seeking McDorley on bank robberies He was sentenced to five years in prison in 1992 for this However, he was not done making album yet. 'Back N Da Food' his fourth album was called, it was EP recorded from the Fresno County Prison on the phone.The song about whether you do not need a Mac for an album There is a reason. In the same year he recorded several more songs on the phone and his record company made albums from them and some of his previously released songs were

Mac Dre was released in 1995. He was released under his new record company "Romp Records" and became his compilation "Rompilation" sold over 60,000 copies, in Romperation McDray, after releasing himself, The album that started was an average of two albums. His first Sorori release after being released from prison called "Stupid Doo Dam" and in the same year he released "Do not hate players, the game he is their latest 11 In the following three years "Thizzelle Washington" gained the most fans and respect for him in 2003. In 2003 he produced 'al boo boo' which is a free dvd cd, and it is called a television He released dvd, his fans loved dvd as he opened the window how he lived in his life.

Mac Dre whats Ask the fans of Mac Dres's best album and they like to say all of them. His career in Rap was not fair, but he never got commercial praise. In 2004, McDray released "Genie of The Lamp", "Ronald Dregan: Dreganomics", "The Game is thick, Vol 2" released. I will fear the attention of those who intend to think that these albums are lively excitment in Northern California. However, this has not happened so far. In November 1st 2004 Mac Dray was a victim of a drive-by on the highway 71, Kansas City. The incident just happened after the concert he was doing in Kansas, shooting was shocking, Kansas Fans enjoyed the show, when Kanma Dress mother Wanda Salbat asked about shooting, she did not believe it. This was because she was told that her son was dead from overdose of medicine before, but he was still alright, other Vallejo residents believe this Mac Dre Moutain View's Buried in cemetery, Auckland, California.

Currently there are many fans and new things asking for 2005 Mac, this is an unexpected album! 'Da US Open' It is a collaberation between McDorough and McMall where they picked up alter ego 'Andre makashi' and 'mall mercenêche' on the 22nd of the month later 'money iz motif' released It was not McDora Solo It was an album made by "Cutthoat Committee" A part of the MacDrey "Trial TV 2", which is currently in its final stage before its release 'Tiz entertainment' on Mac dress record label For those Mac Dres fans who sell in the near future, he will always be the best rapper from the "Bay Area".

Rip Andre "McDray" Hicks

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