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Why coaching is a way to go to team management.

When you hear the word "coach", what comes first to your mind. Are you imagining a man and a basketball team / a woman screaming in direction? Or a soccer team where men / women pace here and there and call players' names?

Coaching is no longer reserved for sports teams. Why are coaches popular?

Coaching is at the stadium level.

Daniel-Goleman by suggesting the leadership style of coaching in mind. It is also the role to enforce in the context of leadership in behavior and leadership situation. As a style of leadership, coaching is used when group or team members are competent and ambitious, but the idea of ​​an organization's long-term goals is to coach these two levels: team-personal. Team coaches make members cooperate. In groups of individuals, everyone can have or share the same level of commitment to abilities and goals. The group is a mix of excellent and moderately staffed personnel with diverse levels of commitment. These differences are due to friction. We expect membership levels from coaching leaders. Also, coach leaders manage the perspective of differences so that common goals succeed in personal goals and interests. In a large organization, leaders need to align the staff's personal values ​​and goals with that of the organization so that long-term direction can be pursued.

The coach builds confidence and ability.

Individual coaches are an example of leadership in work situations. It aims to build a member's confidence build one-on-one by affirming good performance during regular feedback, and by the ability and dedication of the individual's level, the leader takes the lead Taking advantage of the team's experience for action This usually happens with new staff. Direct supervisors give more defined work, hold regular feedback for new staff, and gradually delegate as authority and confidence increase

Coaches promote personal and team excellence.

Excellence is a product of customary good practice. Regularity of meetings and constructive feedback is important in establishing customs. Members are always aware of the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to acquire to achieve the goals of the team, always in the area of ​​their strengths and improvements. In the process, they excel. Also achieve each. An example is the case of a music orchestra: Each member plays a different instrument. In order to achieve the harmony of music from different instruments, members will hone their part in the work, except for the practice as an ensemble. As a result, they individually improve as an instrument player.

Coaches develop high responsibility for common goals.

Coach leaders balance the achievement of long-term goals and immediate targets towards a vision of composition. As mentioned earlier, personal interests are checked by matching personal goals with organizational and team goals. The members are inspired and motivated by always conveying their vision through formal and informal conversations. Developing an action plan to achieve these goals will help keep the members motivated and improved on their common goals.

It is a valuable leader made by coaching.

The leadership example is an important support. The coach leader loses credibility when he / she can not practice what he / she preaches. This means that the coach's leader should be well organized his / her field is openly communicating, encourages feedback, and alternates by configuration and purposive learning and member acquisition A leader in teaching good practices, as a leader in teaching attitudes. If a member experiences good coaching, he / she is most likely to do the same when entrusting a formal leadership role.

Aside from teaching, some of the caveats are simple and tireless style leadership. Depending on the style of leadership in each of this combination is an emerging team. Also, coaching as a leadership style fits most of the time, because you include physically, emotionally, and two levels of coaching, your members will give up or relieve any situation, especially when you are in crisis I hope to be the last person to do. The coach leader must be aware that the coach involves investing time on individual and whole teams. Also, while you are coaching members, you are developing future coaches as well, so be responsible.
Clay pot crafts: making a bell for the porch

Clay pot crafts are a cute way to make a home decor. In clay pot crafts, clay flower pots can be crafted into various decorative things that appeal to the gardener. Crafters usually start with a new pot. I love to produce ropes or cords as well as being tied to the paint on which the pots are decorated.

Pots for clay pot crafts can be purchased in different sizes, from small ones less than 2 inches in diameter to huge ones on the feet Smaller pots and for smaller projects The start of the. Beginners should choose clay pot crafts that do not use too many pots in too sophisticated designs.

An example of a good craft for a new person with clay pot craft is to make a bell from two clay pots. The best is the best, the best is the best, and the last is the debt. You use a small one as a clapper for the bell. You will need some decorative cords, two large wooden beads, and the paint you want. You may also want to buy some glue jewelry to decorate the bell. The bells make a nice decoration for the front porch.

Cut the cord both feet (60 cm.) Long. Make a loop with 3 inches (fold the end more than 8 centimeters) and tie it to the overhand knot. This loop is for hanging a bell from a hook or nail. Now turn the clay pot upside down. Thread the loose end of the cord through the hole in the pot. Place a pot on its side and slide one of the large wooden beads into the cord until it is about 10 inches (25 cm). ) From the loose end. Now tie the cord around the bead so that the bead can not enter from the position of the cord If this is done correctly, the loop can lift the pot. In clay pot crafts, the beads should be large enough to stop the cord from going through the hole in the bottom of the pot.

At the loose end of the cord you are going to attach a small pot in the same way. Slide a small pot over the cord to make it easy to tie the other large wooden beads to the end of the cord. Now, when lifting the entire arrangement by loop, the smaller pot is free inside the larger pot making pleasant sound when tapping against the larger pot

If necessary, decorate the outside of the large pot with paint. When applied to places black and white patches are the theme of Holstein cattle. You may also like to decorate the top of the bell with silk and dried flowers and green and ribbon bows.

For variations of this craft, create three of the bells and hang them from horizontal pieces of driftwood or other interesting works of natural wood. When hanging clay pot crafts, always make sure that the beads are large enough and tightly tied, as they will break when the clay pot falls to the ground

Other clay pot techniques involve making large doll scarps of the nested pots that are strung together and painted. Dolls can sit on chairs and stairs in the entrance. Draw his face to look like a scarecrow, jack-o-lantern, gnome, or child. Clay pot technology is particularly suitable for display outside.

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