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Why my cat does not attend the meeting

It was part of her job-to attend a conference held without an agenda. Now, after attending some, she refuses to attend. Here is why.

It's tough. :
Effective meetings, meetings, facilitation of business meetings, steve kaye, facilitator, leadership or one big meeting

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It was part of her job-to attend a conference held without an agenda. Now, after attending some, she refuses to attend. Here is why.

1) No one will ask her for help.

Olivia is always ready to be part of the action. She lays on her best fur, raises her eyebrows and sharpens her nails. But people treat her just like a cute pet. Sometimes they don't notice her when she enters the room. She gets angry when people ignore her as you expect. So she takes a nap.

2) It is difficult to sleep.

Usually, only a few people speak. But they use loud. This seems to scare other participants into silence, but it still makes it difficult to sleep. She hate jokes in particular, because they cause a blast of laughter, it shakes her awake. Certainly, no one likes to wake up with loud noises.

3) They don't take a break.

Olivia hates long marathon meetings that go endlessly without breaks. She wonders if any of the people at these meetings have been shown how to care for their basic comfort. Although I suggested, the authorities ask for recognition and setup Trash, Olivia curtly words, there is almost no privacy.

4) Participants behave like a mouse.

If you want to know every cat you can catch up. But the people at the meeting have the alert to embarrass the mouse. They ditch everything about, without focusing on anything, about darts and dashes. It becomes nervous when she sees them.

5) They drop what they catch.

Please catch the cat once. Uh. I fished for that. But people drop ideas and hurry to say something else. They don't even play with it. Olivia wonders if something has been found

By the way, what is your meeting like?

Available Olivia:

Why these end users project management software

The success of new works of business technology is based on a wide number of factors, but rather than empowering users, when trying to really overwhelm them, in the area of ​​project management software, the intelligence of Interneer is just that to hold.

It's tough. :
Project management software

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Posted: Lawrence-Carmus

Choose the correct business path

It will not only be as fast as in technological advances. It is an efficient tool for business professionals to manage and execute efficiently. The technology is moving so fast that there is no time to go the wrong way. Once familiar road is also safe. The greatest fear starts off with the wrong path. There are simple guidelines for determining the correct path, which is to empower the end user. Because end users are their own experts, the more you have control over the tools, the more you can become familiar with a particular product.

current situation

We live in an age of technology where access to tools transcends political boundaries. The Internet and the World Wide Web are some of the user-driven forces that affect everything in society. Decentralized to become entertainment. We can download songs, which means we don't have to go to a concert. We are, in fact, in the world of doing Yourselfers with the expectation of user-driven tools. The last thing we want is for our tools to drive us.

The technology is always somewhere between the center point and the surroundings.
While end users towards the boundary have little input to the end user towards the core, they have greater control over the systems they use and their tools. They have to follow the instructions of the tool designer.

Some history

As you have called the number of the called operator you seem to want to when in the past. I dial directly today. We still buy the newspaper and read what the editors laid out for us. So far, is the front page that I think is good for what readers like this. Technology seems to be moving us from the center to the outside Kodak builds a business on film development Yes, as we wish, while digital cameras allow as many shots as we do

Design for the surroundings

By its nature, technology is moving from the center towards the surroundings. Not only do end users do more, they can also feed back into the system to influence the end result. New technologies and business success are based on a variety of factors, but it is best to empower users, not try to overwhelm them

Interneer's Intelligence: Project management software that empowers end users.

In the area of ​​project management software, systems such as Interneer Intellect are built on this concept. Interneer knowledge function management users are actually design templates and workflows and project executers. The owners of Project Cai Kasei, who were designed under the guidance of the entire project management process, do not themselves but hard-code. This is a project management software

Most system traps are templates for the design of functional limitations in complex projects without making an attempt to the end user. Businesses costing unnecessary amounts of time and money, if they want to change the program to reflect the type of project that runs the system

Interneer's intelligence empowers end users to design, manage, and execute every project in the most efficient way possible.

This invaluable feature is a convincing company like Bose, Boeing, Verizon-Wy-Hama internationally for the project management needs of this tool.

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