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Why training fails

The training program has a bad reputation. Here is why and what to do about it.

It's tough. :
Training, trainer, workshop, meeting, speaking, personal success

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Sometimes when one of my participants conduct my workshop on an effective meeting, "Where is my boss?"

And I say, "Your boss has claimed to be a valid meeting hold expert."

Then people laugh. "We're more than just taking part in boss needs. We are not helping our manager."

This is bad because no one will use the ideas presented at the workshop and the client will conclude that training will not work. And the company may give up all training.

Here are three key issues that determine the effectiveness of the training.

1) People follow the leader. We support management when other training programs are successful. This is why I always include the heavyweights in my workshop plan. I also ask you to attend. And I recommend a follow-up meeting to review the material covered in the workshop. In fact, I only work with those who value and support learning.

The training gained a bad reputation as many programs were thrown into bribes by employees sent just to be fixed. These conditions under this other training program are fulfilled.

> Key points: Profit management support before scheduling a training program.

2) Each of us has control of our area of ​​responsibility. And each of us live in the environment we create.

The above participants can hold effective meetings even if the top management continues to hold bad meetings. In fact, the people who make the sound leadership propose effective meetings, and the bosses of the exchange exchange bosses.

There are two parts to every learning experience. The first part is to learn new skills. Select the second (important).

> Urgent: Sometimes you can be a valid leader, even when there are no other.

3) Some people play and believe. Many years ago I received an evening call from a colleague who wanted to know if I could recommend a good book on how to hold an effective meeting. It seems that this man was fighting ahead to find material for the workshop that was scheduled to start the next morning.

Learn a lot from experts, rather than from anyone who is offering book reports. In this case, I would recommend one of the two books I wrote about how to hold an effective conference.

Many companies employ trainers who build training programs based on reading books. Some entrepreneurs can talk about consent. The best trainers are messages that mean they live and breathe and use what they teach. There are participants in any situation, depending on the needs of the person who answered the question you can answer. They really know.

 Key point: Hire a trainer who wrote a book instead of a person reading a book.

If you are able to work in other training programs, ask someone who wants to deliver it for improvement specialists.

Why Team Building Weekend Failure (and How To Make Your Success)

We need to introduce the purpose of the team building event. , Strengthen and reward, forge a team of colleagues on your own. If your company (or you as manager) is used to replace the work you are doing every day, you have some important

It's tough. :
Team Building Team Building Event, Team-Building Weekend

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Somewhere in the world this afternoon, a group of fellow office workers are tying up safety devices and preparing to expand the sides of the cliff together. In another city, another group of associates is engaged in a hideout designed to promote a sense of teamwork. Later in the night in another town, six men competing in a regular office are cooperating in building a robot. What do they all have in common?

This phrase is team-building, and now represents the business method that takes into account the strengths and weaknesses of each workgroup member. The basic concept of weekend team building is to bring together a group of co-workers, and by giving them to various hardships, events and activities,

The only problem with that scenario is that it does not work too often. When the group returns to the office, they fall into the old way of working, and the team building weekend is no more than a favorite memory. The problem is not the concept of team building, but with the concept that it can be achieved on the weekend, regardless of what the weekend accompanies. This is never a bad idea for a team building weekend-it is They are expected to do the work that should be done in your office and need to introduce the purpose of the team building event. , Strengthen and reward, forge a team of colleagues on your own. If your company (or you as manager) is used to replace the work you are doing every day, you have some important

Hello soaking in the case of no forging bond team, Crucible team building. Please try to talk that you can't simply go through and walk for a nice walk. If you want your staff to believe they are a team and acting as a team, you have to treat them as a team

-Communication is the key to building a team.
The single biggest mistake o-'management 'makes is communicating failure. Your company doesn't have to be a book open to all employees, but sharing purpose and intention is working towards a specific purpose for employees

-Build teamwork in the flow of work.
To work as an o-team, people need to be treated as one. Start Focus on defining each project team meeting. Team members are comfortable grabbing coffee in the morning-along with taking a few moments to keep up with things create a central "lounge" area. The usual team meeting loops to ensure that progress is not delayed as the team can report to the members.

-Prioritize recognition of achievements.
Recognizing o-achievement is important to strengthen the team's emotions. It does not have to be formal-in fact, informal and unexpected recognition can be very effective. A word about passing through the hallway, a moment to convey the admiration from the client while drinking a coffee, casual at the end of the meeting 'the wonderful on that proposal

-Too, make time to play as a team.
Whether o-play is a softball team, a bowling league or a half-year weekend where team members can really extend their wings, they are trek on their snow-covered hillside throughout the year Builds a shared memory that helps cement the formed bond.

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