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Will DRM save the record industry?

Definitely the single most influential agent of business change, the trend of the last decade or two has been the Internet. There are few business segments and markets that do not change with this strong power. However, affected by cyberspace, the music industry in all of the various companies, adapting to the most dramatic change and catch up, the onslaught of unprecedented change in its history

The first major challenge Cyberspace brought to the music business was the complete transformation of how music is sold to music fans around the world. The only thing that can be described as an avalanche is that music virtually abandons traditional record stores and retail stores, and that no other business tracks this massive influx of their music buying online business The website is a revolution of execution. For the turn, how the band and Indie's record label do business online, the music audience goes on and concerts from their CDs and artists

However, the market is such a radical change in this paradigm shift in consumer behavior, it is relative to what the Internet has in stores for the world of music The next wave of change is that it is out of business forever It has the potential of putting the music industry into a very serious threat to the music business. When music consumers start sharing digital music electronically over the Internet using file sharing software such as Kazaa, Limeware, BitTorrent, music customers suddenly

The plunging of music sales as a result of these two forces was generally drastic and traumatic in the music world. At first, music business executives were a loss of exactly how to move trying to stop the widespread file sharing phenomenon. The user acts in a courtesy or other punitive act in the network of providing software services so shut down. These lawsuits took a long time and the flood of free music coming out of the internet continued to increase with huge amounts of money and all costs. Worse still, when they slow down one file sharing network, it's never ending, constant against ever-growing enemies

Public petitions to the music-loving public sound that there would be more new music if the artist couldn't get paid, but the opposite seemed to be so. As more indie musicians have begun to take advantage of file sharing, using it as a marketing method, the quantity and quality of this good music is this

The final attempt was like this technology called DRM. DRM is a digital "lock" necessary to go to all the music released on the Internet. Music with DRM will not be playable except for customers who had the legal right to use it. At first, this seemed like a viable solution. Even with DRM, sharing files by profit loss of people and food floods. And the hackers can be more than happy with the technical rock music industry that undoes learning.

As we move in the second decade of the first decade of this century, the music industry is not learning to work with this new music market, but fighting it. And by learning lessons from an indie label, it takes time for a new solution, how to do it, how to do it, how to serve clients in the digital world.

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