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With alternative energy

There is a lot of energy available to us just by researching and developing the technology necessary to do so. These energy sources are alternative to fossil fueled electricity grids.

One of these alternative energy resources is wind power. Wind generators continue to develop, reduce energy efficiency and cost. "Wind power plants" are sown in many countries, as they were once wind turbines, they are not even at risk for birds, they are even more time

Another alternative energy resource is the best known: solar energy. This involves the manufacturing of solar cells that gather and concentrate the energy given directly by the sun and translate it into electricity or, sometimes, hot water. And wind energy, pollution of solar energy is absolutely zero.

Ocean Wave Energy generates huge energy that you have as a government or investor. French generators have been operating for many years and are considered a great success, with Ireland and Scotland operating experimental facilities.

Hydropower has been with us for a while, and if it is set, it is a more powerful generator of electricity and clean than the grid. However, the availability of suitable locations for installing large dams has certain limitations. Due to this limitation, many small-scale, localized, and hydroelectric generators have been installed recently.

Geothermal energy is very abundant, because it is directly under our feet, only a few miles below the surface of the earth. This energy is by heating water by the action of the Earth's wonderfully hot molten core. Will be generated. It will be steam that can be used to drive water and utilize turbine engines to generate electricity in turn. Tapping geothermal energy requires a large amount of research and development.

Waste gas energy, which is essentially methane, is in the dump and normal energy pollution by creating energy from certain air pollutants This gas is used in fuel cells and can be used in standard gasoline generators it can.

Ethanol is created from things like gasoline instead, such as wheat, sugar cane, grapes, strawberries, corn, and wood chips and wood cellulose. There is a controversy that this fuel has become truly economical and practical, except in highly localized areas, but the technology for its extraction and mixing is

Biodiesel energy is created from the oil contained in plants. So far, biodiesel commercial stores have been created using soy, rapeseed and sunflower oil. At the time of this writing, biodiesel is typically produced by entrepreneur-minded individuals and those who want to try alternative energy, but it is the more leaders petroleum diesel burned from companies.

Atomic energy is produced in atomic energy plants using the process of fission. This energy is very efficient and can generate huge amounts of power. Because atomic energy is radioactive and takes hundreds of years to harmlessly decay, there is concern about what to do with relatively small amounts of waste.
University research on alternative energy

A decade of wood and biomass research jointly conducted by Florida's Statue University and Shell Energy is the largest single largest "US" energy crop in the entire United States, and this plantation spans approximately 130 acres, and various articles such as soy Home to 250,000 planted trees including cottonwoods (area native) and eucalyptus along with crop crops This "supertree" organization is the Shell, US Department of Energy, Common Purpose Institute, and future alternative energy sources (fossil fuels This research has been working on the development of an independent supply of biomass energy from a rapidly growing crop known as "closed-loop biomass" or simply "energy crop". And "power plants" such as plants supplying wood fiber, clean used in industry Can be used for biogas and ethanol development

University involvement in alternative energy research also takes place at Penn State University. In Penn State, special research has been conducted dedicated to the development of hydrogen power as a viable alternative energy source. Researchers concerned need to find a non-petroleum energy source to reduce air pollution and power the United States, thus leading to a hydrogen fuel economy Hydrogen energy is drawn from water and grain plants You can burn it clean and renew it endlessly. Thus, hydrogen energy is a sustainable energy resource found within the US infrastructure, and the world's (affordable) oil supply is at its peak. Universities are replacing combustion engines for all cars. We are trying to support the commercial development of hydrogen fuel cells that can be used in tandem, or in tandem.

When President Bush recently announced his Alternative Energy Initiative, he has the government to develop five "Sun Grants" centers for intensive research. Oregon State University selected as one of these centers It has the honor of being done and to carry out its mission, the $ 20 million government every four years as it represents the interests of the Pacific Islands, the Pacific Region of the Americas, and the states of the West. Lead the way to research on alternative energy. Osu president Edward * Ray says, the research being conducted through the Osu's Day Grant Center, the Bush Challenge of our Conference for Energy Independence is an alternative currently being carried out by OSIO by the Varios scientists team For specific research on energy, straw and other products are effective sources of renewable biomass fuels.

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