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Why Being Aggressive Won't you Sales

In this article, we think about thinking about sales of the business owners, when presenting their sales pitch don't think about when their style could be performed as pushy or aggressive, and they're realized what they could be losing. how it can damage building long term relationships.


sales skills, sales techniques, aggressive selling

Article Body:

When people are asked to think of less than successful salesman, one of the unfortunate statistics that springs to mind is them being pushy or aggressive.

You have all experiences when the salesman hasn't stopped talking and you sense yourself being pushed to say 'yes'. You find yourself signing on the dotted line!

Too many business owners, when presenting their sales pitch don't think about when their style could be allowed as pushy or aggressive, and don't realize what they could be losing. or aggressive looks like and how it can damage building long term relationships (which is what should be about).

Luckily we are all individuals, so we have a different 'pain' threshold where some people will shrug it off the other face what defines 'pushy'?

When you push an object, its weight responses as resistance to to move harder. To fulfill the act to force the object of exercise force on one object to order it to move it from another place to another. of pushing you have to spend effort, but when strong enough, resistance can prevent you from moving forward.

This is not how to make a result, but re-framing them in a sales context, you can quickly see what is being pushy is-forcing your will on the buyer. You must always remember that a customer is with you because he wants to be there-he can quickly change his mind.

What are the actions you take in your sales process, which could be harvested as aggressive?

• Not taking 'no' for answer

Not active listening or watching for body language hints which are telling you to stop, that your message is not getting across

• Being over familiar with the customer too early in the sales process

* You are back to the phone, following up the previous meeting

These actions could be taken in all innocence but the excessive is the same – the customer feels pressed.

Here are some of the possible outcomes if you take things too far.

However, they will never buy from you again. You may not have to repeat the business minds you are missing on the real. The next deal can be completed without all the preliminary talk so the true profit is higher. Be pushy and you miss out on all of this

You can never be included a sale under the circumstances. If you are in the retail trade, potential customers loving around your shoppick More than one lost sale up on the tense atmosphere and be out of the door with their money still in their pocket.

Even if your product or service is ideal for them and satisfies all their requirements, if they feel comfortable with your style, they'll buy elsewhere

A dissatisfied customer will tell many more people about their bad experience than a satisfied customer will about a good customer. So, not only have a great way to boost sales. you missed out on one sale but also a bucket-load more

What steps can you take to avoid being too pushy or aggressive and possibly end up loasing a sale?

Ask if you can call them by their first name. Seeking permission may sound a bit cheesy but at the least you have their permission.

Conseptively, if he's not responding at all, ask him if he's OK with what he is OK Asking questions is a great way of finding out what the customer is really thinking and so an opportunity to put things right.

Do they appear happy or are their eyes constantly looking around (probably looking for the exit! And not

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